

His growing -up was full of frustration and unbearable pains, but he keep hoping for better days, but his dreams always turn nightmares. He has considered suicide several times but his mother has always served as source of hope to his unprogressive life with the words of wisdom and courage which she uses to fill his soul daily. What Victor could not understand was why some set of humans beings are favoured with inexaustable wealth, while others live their lives as if they have signed an everlasting contract with poverty. His father died when he was very young leaving his mother and himself with no inheritance. they haven been living from hand to mouth since his father died. Victor keep listening and reading the stories of successful people just to tap into their anointing and grace, but non of his endeavour seem to yield any better results. He had prayed and fasted but there was no breakthrough. He's educated and very well learned but all he could lay his hand were minial jobs which could not even put food on their table. They keep getting him fired in his working places without a cause, he has never worked in a place more than four (4) months. He knew something was wrong with him or his family, but mother keep telling him that it's normal circumstances of life but he didn't believe that. He has lost all that was dear to him because he's not living up to standard; his girlfriend, best friend, properties and other things. He has been rejected by people, they are always painting him as a badluck. There's nothing he has not done but "Mr unfortune" is always his companion. His mother kept calm like everything is normal even when she knows that nothing is working. Victor eventually got a job in an oil company, his mother was very happy for him but was still in tears. When Victor tried to know why, she lied that it was a tears of joy. Victor brought a girl and introduced her as a connection in which he got the job but the mother was not happy with the girl, the girl either did not like the woman. In Victor's ignorance, his mother had started visiting native houses sorting for a way to kill the girl. The native man could not understand why she wants to kill the girl. she claims she has come to destroy her son. After several incantations, the Man told her to confess to her son his real identity and how he came to this world, that will be the only way the boy can be safe. She thought about it for a couple of days and refuse to confess. When Ruth(connector) started coming closer to Victor, his mother knew something was about to happen, she went to their pastor and confessed to him and told him everything but the "Man of God" told her to confess to her son, she said she would rather sacrifice herself for her son to live but the pastor told her to confess and bring her son for prayers, which she agreed and left. after some days, pastor heard the woman was dead, saying she can't stand the disgrace and shame the truth will bring. some weeks later after his(Victor) mother's burial. Pastor called him revealed to him that he's a water child(mermaid)and Ruth has been sent from the Marine kingdom to take him back. Victor could not understand this, so the Man of God decided to throw more lights on it " After 6 years of your parent marriage, no issue, so they visited many places for the fruit of the womb, no child was coming, so they visited the dreaded Obidin river where they reached an agreement that they will sacrifice a hefty goat at the end of every month and they agreed out of desperation and that you will return to the water after twenty six (26) years of your age, your father refused but your mother went behind your father to sign the agreement. Six(6) months after your mother conceived, she could not go to the river anymore, because to her it would look suspicious and your father might find out. The spirit keep appearing to your mother in her dreams but she played a deaf ear, she was also claiming to be born again (Christian). Before your father died, your mother was aware but she didn't tell him because she didn't know how to say it. they appeared to your mother and told her your father is gonna be used for the sacrifice of goat, which they haven't paid for, in years. That's how your father died. And the reason you have been suffering all your life is as a result of your mother's inability to fulfill her promise. You completed 26year last month. The girl that connected you to the work you are in now were sent to bring you back to the Marine kingdom but your mother wanted her dead, on hearing she can't kill her, she had to pay with her life for you to live. that's why you can't find the girl anywhere, she has gone back to the water". There was silence in the air. " Does that mean I will still go back to the kingdom or mother had paid the ultimate price??" he asked. " Since your mother has paid for you, you are free" answered man of God . He bent his head and wept.
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