

From Dusk To Blaze

Into the flames rising out of a setting sun,
I draw in a deep breath before I run.

Heart pounding like a drum's vibrant beat,
I venture forth, destiny to meet.

Embers whisper secrets in the fading light,
As I chase dreams that take flight.

With each step, courage ignites my way,
A fearless spirit comes to play.

Trials and challenges may try to deter,
But I'm a comet streaking, a daring blur.

Through the inferno, I forge my own path,
Defying doubts, overcoming the aftermath.

The sun's final blaze kisses the sky,
As I press forward, never asking why.

With determination as my loyal guide,
I navigate life's turbulent tide.

Into the unknown, I boldly stride,
In the flames of possibility, I'll abide.

For within my soul burns an unquenchable fire,
A passion that nothing can tire.

So let the flames rise, let them roar,
I'll emerge stronger than before.

With a heart full of hope and eyes set on the run,
I'll conquer the world as I chase the sun.

#english #englishpoems #writcopoem #dusk #poetry

© Christine