

Narrow chapter 2
The whole class burst into laughter.

Victoria was broken she had tried to be strong but...

What was funny?they were slowly finishing her off and they were laughing. a tear forced its way through her eyes as she ran out of the class crying profusely.

she didn't want to look back, she never did. her heart was racing faster as the echoes of their laughter replayed time and time in her mind.

Every day she asked her self "why? Why did they pick me ? What was so horrible that made me a target."

Funny enough this wasn't  a day kind of thing its been five years,five freaking long years since Victoria has been shedding tears, since every one has turned a blind eye and yet  Victoria couldn't stop it.

She couldn't stop this torture that was tearing her apart. She stared at the mirror lost.

"Victoria" a voice said as she placed her hands on Victoria's shoulder.

"Stay away from me Ria!" She yelled at her.

"I'm just trying to help".Ria said as she stared at her.

"I don't need your help, stop it! stop! this sarcasm, please just leave me alone and tell Bruce that this is fucked up. if this has gotten to the point where I can't even suffer in peace then it was high time it ended".

"Victoria" Ria said as Victoria walked out.

Victoria was rude wasn't she. Yeah she was but no one ever Cared to ask why?,why a jovial 16 year old was acting like a battered animal, its always easier to judge people than understand them, sadly the majority follow this absurd rule..Well Its simple let's do the math,ria lied to Victoria and played a prank on her when they first started high school she forgave her, Ria made a  list of worthless girls of course with only one name on it Victoria Dante, that wasn't so bad, it was nothing its just a joke they all echoed. Ria put chilly in Victoria's cream. Its a mistake right.


And all of a sudden Ria is Victoria's best friend. And Victoria's the bad one for defending herself.

High school sucks.