

Abandonment Pt4 (The last one)
A chubby man walked out of a room and looked furious when he saw me. By the looks of his uniform and name tag, I could tell that he was the manager of the shop. His arms were on his hips as he shouted loudly and dragged me by the neck out the door.

I came to the restaurant frequent enough for the manager to get annoyed every time he saw me. I was always hungry and I had nowhere to get food. Sometimes I would successfully get scraps, other times I would get chased out and beaten.

It was terribly weird that the manager didn’t look mad when he saw me one day. He looked exceptionally nice and led me to the back of the restaurant. Picking up a plate of different meats and tasty looking food, he dumped a few pellets onto the food and shoved it in front of my face. If only I had been smarter that time, I ate the food without thinking that anything bad would happen. When I was done, the manager curled his lips as if he was happy, but there was something about it that seemed off to me. He shooed me away and I went back to the park to take a nap.

I wasn’t able to sleep that night, I kept feeling sick to my stomach. When I did finally fall asleep, I didn’t know that I was the pellets the manager gave me were taking effect very quickly.

The next morning, I awoke to total darkness. Surprisingly, the pain I had been feeling last night ceased to exist. I immediately thought about James.

He was waiting for me back home. I want to go home.