

INNer VOice
Drowning in something deep and deeper
An horrified ocean of my sorrows
Tides of my failures not letting me float
Even pushing me more deep into the dark

Wishing it to be a dream
My heart and mind both arguing to each other
If it is not a dream
How my end can be written in this way

Lifting my hands for a hope
But Knowing the bitter truth of this world
Deep down my soul already shattered

Everything seems black here
Maybe i reached to the the deepest one
All senses are taking a farewell now
Not in condition, so can hold them back
As i accepted this as my destiny
Things are getting silent and calm

When i lost all hopes
Something unusual happened
Oh Did i really heard something
A loud and rythmic sound hits my ears
Repeating the same thing again and again
"Push yourself harder"
But deep down here how i can hear
That voice was so confident
Made me push myself harder to the surface
I realised the voice which saved me
Its somewhere inside me
It was my "inner voice".

-Shining star