

On Some Duke Dennis type of vibe (IIII)…

The girl in the red dress
led me and my friends to the host's office.
Walking through the museum hallways,
it reminded me as if we were walking
through the valley shadow of death by the way,
I was staring at the family three portraits on the wall
like we were walking through a graveyard.

The horrific darkness in the hallways
felt like dense dark cloud hovering around us.
The claustrophobic mood started setting in on my mind
As the hallway felt like it was closing in on us.
The girl in the red dress gave a little comfort
By the way her dress illuminated like a fiery candle
through the pitch darkness.

"What about the party?" one of my friends softly spoke.
"It will be a quick conversation, guys," she replied.
We got to the office and went through the glass doors.
It felt like we stepped into the opening scene
of 'The Godfather Part One,'
when Vito Corleone was seated on his chair with a calm pose,
inhaling a golden cigar on the side of his mouth.

He stood up and gave us around handshakes
and led us to sit down on some of his lavish chairs.

“Good evening, gentlemen.
I hope you guys are enjoying the party
on this starry Friday night.”
The girl in the red dress left the room.
As I looked around, scanning the room,
seeing his bodyguards surrounding us like pack of wolves.

He continued speaking
“I am very impressed by the success
and power you guys have attained over the years.
I have been watching from afar I hope the blood sweat and tears
But let me cut to the chase, gentlemen.

Are you willing to accept my offer
that was mentioned by my doorman?”
"Can you remind us of what it was?" my friends replied.
I responded after my friend,
"You want us to sell our souls?"
He grinned, showing his teeth,
and inhaled another puff from his cigar.

Written By Joseph Le Artist