

The Boltstrike & Windwhisper Saga - Chapter 10: The Last Stand
Mercury reveals his full name as Mercury Man to his entire army and then sets off to return to Mars. Then, on the other side, Tinomatium, Boltstrike, and Armour Man head towards Windwishper to save her. Afterwards, Armour Man fights against the enemies, while Boltstrike and Tinomatium are attacked by Windstorm, who tries to attack Boltstrike. They fight together and manage to escape from the enemy spaceship. Then, Boltstrike asks Windstorm who he is, to which Windstorm reveals that he is Windstorm and will not let anyone take his Windwishper away. Boltstrike threatens to defeat Windstorm. Meanwhile, Tinomatium defeats the enemies and asks their leader who they are and why they are fighting. The enemy leader reveals that they can't do anything now, and their city and people will be destroyed from the whole universe. Hearing this, Armour Man kills the enemy leader, and together with Tinomatium, saves...