

The Wendigo's Curse (Part 2)
In the afternoon, we arose one by one. John noticed that an investigation had been goin on outside, and some of us peered out. Tape, officers, the whole shebang. We found that our intrest dulled out hours later, so we went towards the kitchen and find that 'breakfast' was already on its way. Thanks to mom and dad.
Later on in the day, Lizie and I hugged our folks goodbye. And were given comforting words, all of us in a foundation worthy group hug. Hesitating to let go, we all just had our hands on each other's shoulders before slipping away. From then on, the horrible event began to fade as we continued on with the rest of the day.
Playing a handful of card games, Battleship, Risk... topping it all off with another movie.
Just as the credits rolled, we all stood up, with me turning off the T.V., and stretched. After which, Lizie, myself, and the rest headed back into our rooms. Though now, our reloaded hunting rifles lie beside our beds. The chirping of crickets and soothing winds put us to sleep again. Late in the night, a similar ground rattling thud thundered again.
Waking us all up again, I immediately roll out of bed and snatched my rifle. Followed by Lizie, we emerge from our bedrooms startled, but at the same time aggravated. Then a thought crossed my mind, did the investigation continue around the property?
"Oh god... please don't be what I'm thinking" I mouthed.
Gritting my teeth, I, along with the others, made our way out into the living room
All of us, in pairs, peek out from most of the windows peering out into the forest and the gravel roadway. Nothing... only vehicles could be seen.
Chris, John, and myself exited onto the front porch. Creeping down its steps onto the road, and again the stars and moon providing adequate light. Behind us were Kate, Jenny, Mary, and Lizie.
Slowly, we crept further out into the gravel path, aiming into the tree line and down the hill. The crickets remained deathly silent, only wind... all like last time. A great noise emerged from somewhere, causing us all to cringe and cover our ears. Shivers shooting up my spine, this noise... it sounded like a women's blood curdling cry and a boar. Sounding as if it were right next to our ears.
Shortly after, we assumed a fearful but readied stance and aim once again. I know no animals able to produce such a sound. I, along with Lizie, know almost every sound animals around here make. Not one compared to this! Even now, the sound was still fading off... then heard rustling.
The forest! It came from the forest! All of us, almost synchronized, whip towards the rustling's direction. No breath of ours could be heard, lending further silence. Only the wind now provided any noise... until rustling could be heard. But accompanied heavy footsteps... heading headfirst in our direction!
I quickly kneel down and fire in a general direction, quickly followed by the rest. The stomping grew increasingly closer, revealing a huge silhouette. We continued to fire... all but in vain. A towering figure with an animal's skull which had a hefty rack, thick dark fur from the neck down, and monstrous hands ending in claws. As it revealed itself, we all tried to dash back into the lodge.
Just behind the others, I feel a hand grasp my neck. This thing stopped... and I watched them rush up on the porch. Lizie was the first to peer back, and saw that I had quickly been tossed into the gravel. Knocking all the wind from my lungs, desperately I tried to crawl away. It was as vain as shooting at this thing, feeling it overturn me onto my back.
Its expressionless, void eyes stared into mine... feeling only malevolence.
With one hand pressing me down, it used the other to reach behind its back, yanking another skull out. A deer skull. So much hopelessness overwhelmed my being, almost drowning out Lizie's cry. It ignored her, her shouts fading.
It adjusted the skull around so that an open portion faced me... before finding that my face had been forced into it.


I fought so desperately to get to Thomas. Watching that thing throw him further from us. So desperately I fought against our friends dragging me back inside. The moment I heard the door close, Thomas' screams echoed in my ears. My desperation flared, fighting harder against my friends.
Though being held back, I struggle out of their holds and storm back out the door. Overtaken by sheer emotion, I land on the gravel, aiming down the sights. And fire. Again. And again. And again. Wanting to blow off its f*cking head!
But I only get to smack its head around, watching it flee. I keep firing firing, until the ammunition ran out. Even then, I still atempt to fire imaginary bullets. Oblivious to the screaming of my brother, amidst gut wrenching snapping and pops.
Many hands grab onto me again, pulling me back until their grasp lessened.

Easing back into the embrace of sanity, Thomas' screams get to me. As did sickening pops... and looked upon what appeared to be my brother. They faced away from us, gripping the ground, whinning, curling up into a fetal position. They outgrew their clothes and shoes, watching many characteristics become less human. Feet became hooves, like a deer's hooves.
Dark hair, the same shade of brown as Thomas' covering their body. Hands... abnormally lengthened and paw like, ending in claws. We watched them scramble onto their arms and knees and grasp their 8-point rack bearing deer skull. They continued to whin and sob, before peering back at us with tear streaming eyes.
It stared at us with pitch black eyes with shining pupils. They attempted to stand atop their hooved feet, only to stumble back down. Its unsure hiss spewing viewable breath, looking at us again with pained eyes. But it felt as if those eyes fixed onto me the most. Slowly, a familiarity gently flowed, it felt like Thomas' gaze.
With hesitation however, I was the only one to stray from the group. Passing the hunting rifle I emptied on that thing that snatched my brother away from me. It only continued to gaze back at me, tears still streaming down their boney face. Now only feet away, they lowered their face towards the ground. In an almost indistinguishable voice to Thomas', with the exception of sounding a number of tones, I hear...
"Lizie... I- I'm scared."
Tears build up in my eyes, all choked up. Sudden trembling embraces my legs, making me collapse beside him. Sobbing, my hands scoop under their lower jaw and hug their head close to me.


Everything hurts... so much. Trying so hard to not fall apart fully, with the unsurity of what would come out. Restrained to only sobbing and whinning, unable to help it. Being in my sister's arms, up beside her body... Listening to the beating of her heart.
In the coming moments, the intense pulses of aching fades. Leaving me a sniffling mess, shifting up upon my knees. Obliviously wrapping my arms around her, "Do- do you hate me?" I whispered, keeping my eyes shut and dreading. Dreading loss. Dreading seclusion.


Pressed against what can't not be Thomas, and struck with a question that nearly made my blood run cold. Asking if my hate extends onto even him. My own brother, after what he's done and had been to me.
"Like hell this will undue everything. You're just extra hairy and horny."
I feel massive hands shift onto my arms.
"Where... where did you learn to talk like that?" They said, with what I swear was a snicker.
Unwrapping myself from Thomas, finding a gentle, speckled gaze. The moment I began to spill it, that awful, ear splitting noise thundered again. I watch Thomas glare out into the woods, huffing. I also look far in the distance... and staring back was that thing.
Its silhouette just stood there, unwavering. In this damned staring contest, Thomas stood up while continuing his glare. A little while into this, I feel a grip on by shoulder increase. My brother's grip. Getting increasingly uncomfortable, I look up at him while attempting to shovel my hand underneath. "Thomas... you're grip is starting to hurt. Thomas... T- Thomas?"
I found myself staring into unfamiliar eyes, they were completely dark. This, caused my blood to run cold. I froze, while in mid attempt of trying to peel away. His eyes were absent of everything, blank. All around the property, dense fog came streaming in without warning.
Finding myself towered over by two. Then three. Then five... so many emerged! Hearing the rest of our group murmer in stress and bewilderment. Hearing them, their pattering footsteps, fade off back inside. Overcome with an overbearing hopelessness and betrayal, my will taken. If I'm to end up like that Moose, I hoped they choke on me and die.
Tears built up and stream down my face, downcasted at the ground. Not long after, I had my head shifted up towards it. The b*stard that stole in two swoops. My will. My 'friends'. My brother. I watched its hand conjoin with their back before reeling it back up with something. And feel its hand creep up behind my head.
With gritting teeth and a face embrasing hatred. I make a single request at the top of my lungs,


Doing so while hoping to stare in its eyes. The one that I saw do this to my brother, seeing the held object come nearer.
As it did, I feel my resistance sparke alive. Just as I felt this, instinctively I batted the object from its hand. Hearing a faint shattering, I see their hand reel back before it shot up and take hold of my neck. Lifting me high into the air, but neither glare left. I'd rather have this... a spit in their faces.
Choke and rot... were my departing thoughts.

Out of the fog I clearly somhow see Lizie out of my grasp and in theirs. Seeing them grab my sister by a leg and pull on them. "SISTER!" I bellowed, filling the air before blitzing. Snatching them by their devoid eye sockets, and rip away at their throat. Having Lizie's words resound in my head.
Gnawing on its jugular, tearing it out between my teeth. Compelled by something intoxicating... rage? Foreign instinct? Whatever it is, it better keep Lizie alive! Not knowing how long it was, but I found that I gave this thing the image of the Moose. Only difference was, the Moose had it easy... whatching this thing suffer... bleeding out with its organs sprawled from their chest.
Attaining maniacal satisfaction, then looking up from the withering corpse... finding so many devoid eyes staring back at me. Peering back, seeing Lizie glued to a porch stand... staring at me with eyes of excessive fear.


Oh my god. He ripped it to shreds... and eating them. "Thomas? Is- is that... you?"


I don't know if I am anymore, taking pleasure in causing suffering... staring into one's eyes while doing so. Am I Lizie's brother? The Thomas that tried words first before action. They better be retained... I'd better still have them, to be me. If this is what these creatures are like... then I shouldn't be pardoned from Lizie's words. "Sis, I... I'm so... so sorry. Please, go inside-"
Amidst my plea, Lizie's stare continued, but emitted stern character. As did the reply she returned with, "Not with them. They left the both of us-" I feel the uneasy atmosphere rise, making me whip around. The fog was gone. Those things vanished, even the one I mauled... when coming to my senses.
The chirping crickets return sometime later, no eerie winds either. Seeming as normal as we got here... excluding me. With an exhale, I turn back to Lizie. Who was now glancing like I had. "Lizie?" I muttered, no answer.
"Elizabeth?" I called again, and see her eyes look back at me. A hush came over us for an extended time... until it was broken by me becoming emotionally overwhelmed. Letting out only animalistic whinning, shakily making my way towards her. As I did so, the front door swung open and saw the rest of the group hastily emerge.
Later finding myself on the wrong side of the hunting rifles. Kate, Jenny, Mary, Chris, and John all aiming down at me. I just want a break! Becoming one of them... blanking out... mauling one. "No! Don't you shoot, you f**kers!" I hear Lizie demand, almost tackling me.
I look down and see her, arms extend each way... glaring at the others. "I called you friends, we called you friends. You left us for dead for those... those things!" Lizie harshly ranted. Watching her seethe in rage, aiming it back at our friends. "L- Liz, let's... can we just talk?" I asked, sobbing. Feeling the same gaze, mixed with something else though.
I swear I felt her utter distain calm, releasing a furious exhale. "You've always been better at the whole forgiving thing... fine."
"Can we go inside?"


I look between Thomas and the others, "Not until they drop their aim, and lock our Grandpa's rifles into the room." I demanded, crossing my arms. And watched them obviously do so begrudgingly and go back inside.
Sometime after, and watching Thomas have troubles getting through the door because of his new found size and horns. The others just sat on the opposite side of the room from Thomas and I.
It took until sunrise for the rest of the group to appear more at ease... and it took me in that time to cool off.
Chris, after all that time, jumped straight off from the couch and snatch his phone. Upon returning, they look between his screen and Thomas... "Dude, I think... I think you're supposed to be a Wendigo." Chris exclaimed. That's what attacked us? And what they turned my brother into? A Wendigo?
I peer over at Thomas, and feel worry emitting from his eyes, gulping. Scooting up closer, I wrap my arms around one of his, hugging it tightly.
"I- I'm a Wendigo... they..." Thomas said, shivering his ass off. I tried to reassure him. "You mauled one of those things for me, Thomas. You're not like them, you're Thomas enough still!" The feeling from his eyes didn't leave... but still hugged me close. Hearing deep thumping underneath oddly soft fur... and restrained sobs.


What if I became one? A true Wendigo under our noses. Like... last time, not even remembering what happened... almost letting Lizie go through pain like mine. And simply watch without a care in the world. Making meals out of my own friends, family. To be the cause of devastation to others. If what Elizabeth is saying true in any regard... me not being like those Wendigo.
Please. Please help me God... that I don't be like them in any way.
I lower my head atop Lizie's, still hugging them closely. "I- I love you, sis."


"For a Wendigo... you're alright, big bro."