

Who are we to dehumanize anybody?
Whitney Houston.
She is a prime example of once you don’t continue to maintain an image.
Once you don’t continue to sacrifice your happiness, freedom, mental health, piece of mind, your personality, etc.
Once you don’t make others happy, life becomes hell.
The same people who smiled and cheered you on will tear you down with that same smile on their face.
The same people who rooted for you can easily turn against you.
Those cheers can turn into boos in any minute.
Although she looked perfect, Whitney Houston was not perfect.
She was just like the rest of us.
Full of flaws.
Had her own demons to battle just like the rest of us.
But because she was a star, she was exiled from humankind.
She wasn’t allowed to make mistakes.
She wasn’t allowed to be human.
Stars are humans too.
Stars have demons to fight too.
Stars get depressed.
Stars have bad days.
Stars mess up.
Stars aren’t always happy.
Stars have personal struggles.
Stars have sins.
Stars experience heartbreak.
Stars are human beings just like we are.

Stars are human.
Whitney Houston was human.
She was known for having the greatest voice of all time.
You know what she’s remembered as now?
“A drug addict”.
Forget her once beautiful voice.
Forget her work ethic.
Forget her talent.
Since she fell short and allowed her demons to overtake her, that’s what she is known for now.
She isn’t known for being human.
She isn’t known for her talent.
She is known for her demons.

She’s no different from you or me.
She had demons.
I have demons.
You have demons.
We all have demons.
We all have our own crosses to bear.
Who are we to dehumanize anybody?-W.O.S.
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