

Chapter Thirty

Lana's P.O.V

I held on to Candy's Arm slowly walking down the isle in the backyard. My hair was in a braided barrette, I was wearing a black ball gown with lots of little red hearts and black ankled strap heels. For accessories a red pearl necklace, small red roses with tiny black torns earrings and two bracelets red and black on my left arm.

I don't have lots of friends the only friends I had where Candy and Alex but Alex turned out to be more of an enemy and well he's dead. Candy is giving me away. The only humans at the ceremony (Well from what Nathan said there will be) were me, the priest and my surprise. But there more humans here than Nathan said. First Rosa the girl who asked me a bunch off questions Second my teacher who really missed me.I noticed a woman who we both made eye contact. She was crying but wiped her tears when she noticed I was looking them she smiled. weird. Candy had left my side and I was now standing beside Nathan. We faced each other smiled at each other.

"Greetings all, we are gather here on the behalf of Lana Stum and Nathan Jensen they're thrilled to have you here today to share this wonderful moment of there lives"The priest began.

Nathan gave me a little wink, then it felt like he tickled me in my side. I couldn't help but giggle a bit.

The priest looked at me for a second before he continued.

Nathan and I stared at each other, I had a strong feeling he's going to do something again. But I dont know what.

"I'd just like to say that I'm sorry for what I'm about to do but there's a sweet deal for it"Someone said.

I turn and looked, it was the same boy I saw that night.

"I'm here to take Lana, also I'm very fast so please try to not attack me"He said.
"This is interesting"Rosa said she took out her phone and started recording.

What's going on?

The boy walked over to me and took my arm, Nathan grabbed his.

"Let go"They both said at once.

"What in hell is going on here?"The Preist asked.

Candy and Mark walked over to us.

"Hey dude for the sake of your life, I think you should let go of Lana"Mark said.
"Trust me you do not want to make Nathan Angry at you"Candy said.

Rosa got up and walked over to us.

"Can you answer a few questions?"She asked.

one second he was holding my arm and the next he was holding Rosa by the throat in the air.

the woman I saw crying screamed, My teacher was no where to be found she had ran off.

"Put her down"I said.
"Ok"He said.

he threw her down on the floor a few steps away.

"Mark, Candy can you please take him somewhere far away from here. Somewhere I won't find him because if I do I'll have no mercy"Nathan said.

And with that all three of them went away.

"Continue"Nathan said to the priest.
"I'm here terrified for life and you tell me to continue!"The Preist yelled.

Nathan's eyes glowed red.

"Both of you repeat after me at the same time "I take you to be my wedded partner, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer in sickness and in health to love and to cherish until death do us part"He said.

I can't say all of that at once, couldn't who do it five words at a time.

"I Nathan Jensen take you Lana Stum to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer in sickness and in health to love and to chersih until death do us Part"Nathan said.

I guess I'll have to wing it? ok here goes.

"I Lana Stum take you Nathan Jensen to me my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward........ uh....for better and for worse............. in sickness and health but you won't get sick.... um to love and to cherish until death do us part?"I said.

Nathan chuckled.

"Whatever I now pronounce you husband and wife put on your rings you may kiss the bride"The Preist said and ran off.

"Coward"Nathan said.

He rapped his arms around my hips and kisses me on the lips.

All the vampires clapped including the woman.

"Congrats"Rosa said weakly.

Kylo walked over to her and help her up.

"You should probably go to a hospital"He said.
"No thanks, I'm fine"She said.

"I think Kylo is gonna finally get himself a girlfriend"I whispered in Nathans ear.

"Hey!"Kylo yelled at me.

I forgot about his hearing.

"Sorry?"I said.

The woman walked over to me, she burst out into tears and hugged me.

"Um... Do I know you?"I asked pushing her off of me gently.
"I'm sorry Lana"She said.
"Um... ok... but what did you do? I'm sure I'll forgive you for it"I said.
"I was young and foolish, but look at what you've become, even though I have no idea what just happened all I can focus on right now is you"She said.
"Um.. ok"I said.
"Lana, this is your surprise"Nathan said.
"I don't get it"I said.
"Lana, I'm your mother"She said.

I looked at Nathan.

"She's... m..my.. mom?"I asked.
"Yeah"He said.

I looked at her.

"Mom?"I asked.

She smiled and hugged me again.

"Mom"I said.

I hugged her back.

The boy came back with Candy and Mark laying down on the floor beside him.

He pulled me away from her and ran off with me Nathan was running down after us.

"Say your last goodbyes"The boy said.

He started running faster even faster than Nathan, how is this possible.

When he stopped we were far away. He put me down.

"What do you want?"I asked.
"Your blood"He said as his eyes changed into a burgundy colour and his fangs grew out his mouth.
"But I thought vampires stopped drinking human blood"I said.
"Not all of us has to obey the rules"He said.

I ran away from him only bump right back into him.

"Don't try running, as you had saw I ran faster than your husband so why do you think you have a chance of running away now?"He asked.
"Your not killing me today, Nathan went out of his way to let my mom come to my wedding, it's the first time that I've ever seen her in my life. Your not killing me today"I said.
"If I cared I'd feel really bad right now, but I don't"He said.

I walked away from him but he was always Infront of me.

"What exactly is your plan here?"He asked.

I ignored him and kept walking not knowing where the heck I'm going. We were in a street that was really dirty and has a really bad smell.

A car almost crashed right Infront if me. The door opened.

"Get in if you wanna live"I heard a girl say.

I went in the back seat and she drove off.

I need to process this.

"And who are you?"I asked.
"A thanks would be nice"She said.
"Um...Thanks"I said.
"cute dress"She said.
"Yeah, it's my wedding"I said.
"Who's the lucky guy?"She asked.
"My high school crush Nathan"I said.
"He sounds like a nice guy"She said.
"Yeah, he is"I said.
"What's your name?"She asked.
"I'm Lana, You?"I asked.
"My name is Ollie"She said.
"Nice to meet you Ollie"I said.
"You too"She said.
"Why'd you save me?"I asked.
"I like helping people"she said.
"Cool"I said.

Nathan's P.O.V

I went back home, my mom had gone off with all the rest of the vampires to look for Lana, I went over to Mark.

"Mark!"I yelled.

I slapped him in his face.

"MARK!!"I yelled again slapping him twice.
"hey don't put all your anger out in him"Rosa said.
"Kylo? why is she still here?"I asked.
"Because it is a wedding"She said.
"Mark!"I yelled once more.

This time I fists him in his face.

"Are you planning on killing him?"Rosa asked.
"trust me this isn't doing a thing to him"I said.
"What are you?"She asked.
"What do you mean?"I asked her slapping Mark in the face again.
"You don't act human"She said.
"That's because I'm not"I said Slapping him again.
"So what are you?"She asked.
"Since you want to know so bad we are Vampires"I said.
"really? That's Awesome!"She said.
"Why would you do that?"Kylo asked.
"I thought she'd run away"I said.
"Why would I? I have so much questions"She said.
"I'm not answering anything"I said.

I slapped Mark again.

"W-w-would y-you..... p-please stop slapping h-h-him... Incase you h-h-haven't noticed h-he's hurt "Candy said weakly.

She slowly got up.

"Are you Ok?"Rosa asked She helped her to her feet.
"I'll be fine"Candy said.
"What happened out there?"I asked.

I stood up.

"He was too fast"Candy said.
"Of course he is"I said.
"We cannot defeat him, Mark was trying to protect me but got hurt badly"She said.
"How fast was he moving?"I asked.
"We could hardly see him, Why would a Vampire just suddenly attack us today of all days"She asked.

On my wedding?


"We need to find Lana"I said.

Lana's P.O.V

"Wait you followed him right after he bumped into you?"Ollie asked.
"Yeah, I was really concerned. At first I was really confident around him, then I got really scared of him and now I don't care anymore because I love him"I said.
"I bet you two are cute together"She said.
"How about you, I'm sure your in love with someone or someone is in love with you, I mean your really cute"I said.
"Thank you and yeah someone is in love with me, but he just has no idea yet"She said.
"I'm sure he will soon"I said.
"Your a really weird girl to just trust me like this"She said.
"Your are not dangerous right?"I asked.
"No"She said.
"And even if you were or tried to hurt me my husband will kill... um.."
"Kill me? Seems like he is very protective of you. Has he ever killed anyone before?"She asked.
"What? No! I was.. kidding he's never killed anything before in his life... he... um doesn't like seeing blood because he'll faint"I said.
"Oh, Okay"She said.

I talk too much.

She park the car in a garage. We both got out and she closed the garage door. She walked over to me took my hand and we both went through a door that led inside the house. It was a modern family home.

"You could borrow my cloths if you wanna change."She said.
"I'm fine"I said.
"Okay, so tell me more about Nathan"She said.
"Um... sure"I said.

We both sat in a chair.

"What's his personality?"She asked.

He can get really Angry if someone hurts me or if a guy looks at me, but he can be really sweet, sometimes questiony he can also be very charming, and flirty and sexy and...

"He has many personalities"I said.
"What's his eye colour?"She asked.


"Blue"I said.
"Hair colour?"She asked.
"Black"I said.
"Are you his first?"She asked.
"No? why are you asking me so many questions? Oh my god are you friends with Rosa?"I asked.
"Of course not silly, I don't even know who that is. I'm just trying to know you better"She said.
"You haven't told me a thing about you"I said.
"I'm sorry, the thing is I don't have much friends and well since I saved you from that boy earlier I thought this was my chance to make a friend"She said a tear fell from her eye.
"I'm really sorry for acting that way"She said.
"No,no it's okay"I said.

I hugged her.

"You don't have to cry about it, but if we are going to be friends you have to tell me something about you"I said.
"I know"She said.

I pulled away from her, she wiped the tear and smiled.

"I'll be right back"She said.

She got up and walked away.

I quickly got out my phone. I asked Nathan to ask the tailor to put a pocket hole in my dress for my phone.

that's not weird right? It was on silent.

When I turned it on, I had over 50 misscalls from Candy and Nathan.

I texted Candy?


It took a while before she replied.

Candy:Lana were are you?
Lana:I don't know.
Candy:Can you describe it, or something?
Lana:Don't worry I'm not kidnapped, I'm with a girl her name is Ollie she saved me from the guy who was chasing me.

Candy took a minute before she replied.

Candy:Nathan wants you to describe how she looks.
Lana:Ok. She has blonde curry hair, green eyes and bit taller and older than me, and she seems to love lip gloss she has a really cute face
Candy:Nathan said he wants you to scream really really loud.
Lana:I'm not doing that, it'll make me look Crazy
Candy:Nathan said the girl is his Ex Olivia
Lana:She doesn't seem crazy, and if I scream don't you think the other guy will hear and he's a hole lot faster than all of you
Candy:Okay were did the guy run off with you?
Lana:Some really dirty looking street.
Candy:Did you get to see what her house looks like?
Lana:No and I've gotta go.

I put my phone on silent angain and switched it off.

"What are you doing?"Olivia asked walking back in the room.
"I was about to call Nathan but my phone is dead.
"Oh"She said.

I smiled at her.

I've been in situations like this, I just need to play along and don't let her get the wrong ideas.

© kel