

Mia: "same me"....... I never doubt them until one made up a false revelation saying; the lord movement is around these area, when you get home. Use all your money and hit the lucky number 469" I went on playing it with my last dollars and cents I had for the weeks. Am not the only one looking for him, I tell you now that preacher is no where to be find.

Mollie: Alice, you don't say such words to the prophect even if he is wrong or awkward, "why don't you hush that talk?
Alice: (to Mollie) what you hush us for? Am the C.E.O of my life.

Mia: what you want Mrs.Mollie? You be expecting to talk about what? You the one brought up the talk. I look up to your talk dead in its eyes. I wasn't happy about nothing. " the preacher will tell about these prophecy is from the day of moses and the red sea" .(stoop firm over her believe)

Alice: Am allergic to gospel!

Mollie: (To Alice) forget it okay, were you got that cellidh ticket from?.

Alice: Awful question Mollie...... The ticket is a see and pick up thing, it fell down from one white folks pocket. I guess it is for them three (holding the ticket as attachment ).

Mia: (flabbergasted) wait a minute.... You gonna say you got three ticket for the cellidh festival tomorrow (looking it allover) Oh my Gush! You know how much worth it cost and how I wanna go there at all cost, haven't been there before.

Alice: come over that gal! You attend the cellidh last year so what craze about it?

Mollie: (To Mia) bad mia, very bad of you, I thought you gonna ask her to return it. That part of stealing?

Mia: you got it all wrong Mollie, see and pick up things is no Part of stealing; is a Godsend, you always be their church girl here.

Alice: what's the matter, you too good all the time for these? "I'm not good at charisma when it comes to people am allergic to that"

Mollie: (To Alice) can you please bury your allergies, I know you allergy to your own under wears.

Mia: (To Alice) it's true huh? Mrs. Allerginical! (Feigning laughter) but firstly, if you gonna returned it to that nigger, then you get yourself arrested for stealing. The white niggers had no pity?

Mollie: feeling sad for that nigga. Going to the cellidh festival is kinda fun, is my america dream.

Mia: (To Alice) how do you manage to know that Francile white lady.
Alice: my mom work at their, as a superintendent helper.

Mollie : your mom seems to have been taking her job seriously, she have worked for the white for over two decades.
Alice: hell yeah, she sorta like her Job and enjoying it. Not all white head are unrealistic as it seem okay. (Check her pocket watch), when we going to the cellidh tomorrow?

Mia and Mollie: (share the same opinion) let look 7am or forwards, guess I had an attachment to that time.

Mia: like I forget that earlier " that francile girl" came to me asking if I see you over, I guess she kinda looking for you; told me seeking for you to come over taylors basement blah! blah!

Mollie : 7am would be good okay!

Alice: 7am tomorrow, francile wanna get mad, gonna catched up with her. So then? I told you were to meet me. Gonna be going! (False face)

Mollie: Away, I got no right to mock the time fairest.

(Alice exit from the porch attaché to the wall of jericho; it becomes empty and void after ten minutes.)

**** (The light go down on Broadway)***

*** Act-one, scene two***

It begins again outside the porch of Jericho, cockcrow the very early morning after the cellidh festival; when it begins to get light, mia thrumes and buzzes the morning anthem's in blossoming.
(Mia songs was been tracked)

Mia: (sings)
the wall of Jericho fell down flat, the wall of Jericho fell down flat.
The children of God was praising the lord,
The wall of Jericho fell down flat! (Mollie enters from alleys)

Mollie : what you been there doing! singing the Jericho song; and railing planters? (She guided her way into one vacant space).

Mia: don't be tomfoolery! Just doing my morning chores like normal juvenile should do.

Mollie : you made proof of being naive, come over that time waste on your garden..... Hah! Indeed the garden of eden? (Standing close to the garden rake and shovel).

Mia: oh! A capriccio, how you doing Mollie? What are doing here so early in the morning? (Removing the tools for her to sit down on)You gonna eat something Mollie? I got some hot dog in the oven.

Mollie: aw, no mia..... Thanks, I ate not quite again at Alice place, I was just in the neighborhood to get some grocery and I thought of stopping by to me my friend. (Answering mia first question)that's a question been take on the monkey-business mia! (A quick glance on her wristwatch) you call 7am so early? Come on! I have the right to visit my friend whenever and wherever I wanna....... "That how friendship works hey"

Mia: now you come again, always being the one talking how friendship work's and how it's doesn't...... (Intends of speaking Brocken)How could your mama not given the name after the first Lady, or something like the Mistress of the minions (M-O-M)
Mollie: that sound fatuity and folly, it would be an exaggeration to say that I would be the first black woman to be the first lady, but I did feel like I was eager to say please stop that talk.

Mia: it's okay! You don't like plaudit and who doesn't like that, except those religious sister at the sanctuary! They never been addicted to praise.
(Snap her leg from those guide-ant's)
Those plaques on the statue of Abraham Lincoln provide a good explanation to praise.

Mollie: (thinking what to say)you did take a good observation on that statue, a black man bowing before him, " the American salvation " It's set to know that our ancestors were hoodwink into thinking of there arrival would be good, even if they were enslaved; "the blasphemy of african tribes; Those good life style and "things fall apart"

Mia: Sure nonsense! I was talking about the concept of white privilege – the belief that being white comes with unearned advantages and everyday perks that its recipients are often unaware of........ (Flashback)I asked a white retiree if he believed in the existence of white privilege. He said no, but there was another type of privilege he wanted to talk about(Sitting down trying to conquer)
"I was talking about the concept of white privilege – the belief that being white comes with unearned advantages and everyday perks that its recipients are often unaware of. I asked a white retiree if he believed in the existence of white privilege. He said no, but there was another type of privilege he wanted to talk about (still on flashback),
"Black privilege" he repeatedly said, Confused by his answer, his face been trashed with any good reason why black people should be enslaved- I asked him to give me an example of a perk that I enjoyed as a black man that he couldn't. His answer: "Black History Month."
"In America you can't even talk about whiteness", said Louis lewis, who lives in truth or consequences, 1000meter to the edge of jericho--"If you try to embrace being white, you are portrayed as being a racist. If we had a White History Month, that would be viewed as a racist holiday."
Much to my irritation, That'd been the big-monumental.

Mia: they all no match of becoming afternoonified_A bags o' mystery..... it ain't no big deal, "African pride have been demolished since in the 17th century, that was before my great-grandparents were born, Our ancestors were not slave because they wanna, been forced into the ships by Whitehead, the demand for many labourers for the sugar, weeding, tabacco, and cutton plantation and were taken to the sailing ship vessel for the benefit of their economy..... We are the source of american wealth till today and we should be treated aristocracy. (describing the size of the ship vessel).

Mollie: the ship vessels were far bigger than that, perhaps the size of an gaint ant and of the strength of an elephant.

Mia: you been here saying bullshit, no one told me about how the ship vessel looks like, "too many Hornswoggle have delude the public"

Mollie: These remembered me of those small plaque memorializing the many thousands of enslaved people who were abducted and sold on what is now 74 Wall Street is roughly the size of a plaque across the street at 74 Wall Street honoring the Livingston family, who owed their political prominence to the wealth they generated from the slave trade.
Imorality,sadness, inhumanity, inequality, neglect, serfdom's, well! "they too are the earth''( she made a Funny gesture).

Mia: it ain't believed that, and so was hardly for me to believed those "apocalyptic visions"

Mollie: that reminded me of MR. Shark-race prophecy, we should run away from the sins committed by the Sodom and Gomorrah he say " see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil, he always disturb the area with his bullhorn every morning, speaking in tongue's, lamenting and murmuring on it. "Some folks taught that nigga was insane.

Mia: Mr.Shark-race is no pastor, he that kinda man who thinks like he was roses from the death; after been drunk to stupor, slept indoor for a two day's suddenly became enthusiast to the Gospel. I gonna tell you that and it has been unbelievable, the same man we all knew as Saul has been transmogrify to Paul, hit that the Sodom and Gomorrah in his heart have been crushed.

Mollie: you too serious when telling Baloney's, Mr.Shark-race can never change and he missed many chance to do that, A whitehead who vows to cause pains to his own under paint, raping black serfdom's and even caught sleeping with his own daughters age, A eleven years old girl who does not know the prize in exile, that man life is been black and no significance can make it looks pleasant to the sun......... Have been Figuring that nigga, " how many felonies have he been charged??
(Thought fast and wild) he plead guilty for six felonies!!!!

Mia: that dude is already a hanky-devil, and now he been pleaded for felonies which he no gonna get, life is not fair if he got those felonies, thus, his sin is well ranked than the devil. 'Mrs. Lajara my mom," sales at the entrance of the mall, telling me

Mollie: mrs. Lajara your mom now sell outside mall, i thought she worked as a book cleaner at high school, last year then; (pause and see her words was not matched to me answered, changing the topics quickly)
those sin you know is far better than the angel you not aware of, that man was been trusted, I'd he is variety of purpose.

Mia: huh! That shark-race, how could a middle age man got something to do with a eleven years old girl, and that purpose of his own daughter, that was you sow you shall harvested.

Mollie: you would neva harvests something good because he planted the rotton part of nature, A trustee is no longer that anymore, well every one gotta live his own life to the fullest.

Mia: hell yah! That right, I do want the son of the devil to go to hell, for all I don't care, mia! You sure you don't wanna see what I see and what am looking (smiled) then zip it.

Mia: you got me again, not all friend would tell you about it, even if they do but at the public and that way disgraceful.(zipped in between)

Mollie: what are friends for, friendship is not about being closed, or sharing the same interest, there is no good way to define friendship than now.

Mia: that the spirit gal! you top way to define friendship than me....... You do the smart one when we are in high schools.
(Flashback) that was too years ago, when you won the first place on robotic, the 1971 robotic competition, undo you don't get any thing because all the interest good to the whiten
"You should never trust a rabbit for keeping carrot"

Mollie: well, hell, since you mentioned it........ I buy that, they hate to see my black face, all Blackburn are not allowed to graduate, they say education is meant for the whiten. having the fear, often not to be the top supremacy, (murmur)thus, education is da key.
The white fellow are no good, and you still gonna work with one of them.(mia false face look like she doesn't like what was said and her advised were burred) okay, you got that job...... She can start to look out for herself.

Mia: nonsense talk, "what do you eat yesterday? "

Mollie: my mother spent her whole time with a white fellow at the mall, him promising to my mom is driving me out of the game, I told my mom that nigga was fake.

Mia: you always become the one, advising, predicting the future like you worked with the alpha and omega.
Well, your mama is love, and she old enough to make her own decision, she is the captain in the boat since when your father dead on the American world war 2.

Mollie: not only my father dead, yours also, "Amos o' Amos and be that Amos". Mia, I gonna tell you something, what would it look likely; when your mama is going out with the devil.

Mia: come on! You have say enough against the white fella, don't be the pheroah I never want you be, it is okay! Life is all about demanded to be faithful.
(Ataxia for awhile)
Mollie, have you heard of whatever happens to me these morning?

Mollie: I thought you said it is confidential?

Mia: yeah, it is confidential until now, I tried to get into that place quickly before the thing came out with force.

Mollie: you began the thing, shshshshsh..... Mia that not the perfect time to say that, hush that talk!
Well, hell, what do you ate yesterday?

Mia: I ate alot yesterday, at thee cellidh festival, a bowl full of chickens and a pan of bread.

Mollie: that was that morning...."What about in the afternoon?

Mia: "bread and bread"

Mollie: hush! don't bothered to say what you ate In the evening that most be confidential?

Mia: okay gal, that'd be next time, but I don't know why, I don't understand it either. That is why I wanna see my toilet fairy ..... Hope they got ideas.

Mollie: they no such thing as fairy, as you concurred when last I talk about it, so you gonna believe that cock and bull stories.

Mia: those stories are no cock and bull, they have been a better way for them to come into existence. Mollie! You the one who told me about it what the sudden changed.

Mollie: I told you how the toilet fairy saved my life when I had been spent my whole time there, not one, nor twice but three in a row.

Mia: that not how things work, I had Neva be so embraced by that thing coming with forced, I ought to pay for a toilet fee which cost me a lot.

Mollie: I went to Mr. River tell him I wanna pee, guess how much that cost me, it's the peanut out of my pocket, I figure how I got embraced by it.

Mia: alright! That's no fun time for you am sure you learned your lesson?

Mollie: then, henceforth, yes! I gotta starting know who my doodle the right way not the wrong way.... How do you think of MR. Bedop?

Mia: what wrong with that old folks, you got a roughy conversation with another one again.

Mollie: nar, that kinda, guess what Mr. Bedop says to me?

Mia: guessing is no my thing, pill that off the pocket.

Mollie: am mad at Mr. Bedop, he is stupid! He came to me confusing how he got his eyes staring at me while walking, he said to me; " however he love me, and wanna make me his gal, first tell me about marriage and he is the man o' carriage thing, (imitating Mr. Bedop) I got cars and riches, I got several apartment and edifices, monffies, I am strong and strengthen, I last in bed like most youthful do. Making me feel awkward; it is awkward situation.
Alright, you know what Mr. Bedop wanna do to me, he drag me closer, and making an unknown attempt to kiss me. I give him the blow of his life. A dirty slap that he would never forget, then you see old folks standing afar trying to set me ablaze....... "Am not gonna fall into your cheap trapped like other girl do" Mr. Bedop a womanizer.

Mia: hah! Mr. Bedop tried to kiss you, what is he thinking of, that is stupid! He do same to me, come on! You done see what Mr. Bedop is. He is an addicted to women.

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