

since ages we have mistaken love...
love is not about loving a man Or a woman. Before loving someone else we would love ourselves. we often face complexes and that too because we want to impress others. our life is full of temporary people but the only one who will give you company in your tough or happy times is you. You are your best companion. I have seen people committing suicide or they stop loving themselves because they usually forget " Who am I? ". " I" should be our top most priority because you are the only one who doesn't need any explanation for your moves. people who are addicted to gyming , clubing etc. they can't spend even "me time" with themselves because they don't know how it feels to spend a "me time".there is a very good saying that during darkness even our shadow leaves us behind so why do we expect others to stay. " one should be one's own companion ". leave this "show off" trend behind and try to love yourself first , try to discover yourself. despite of falling in love with other person fall in love with yourself. with lots of love.