

That warm, bright winter morning gave me a sort of confidence, a promising day indeed. "Good morning Azman", I whispered to myself in my husky morning voice. I was happy, am not sure why though, but there was a cheerfulness in my soul... motivating me. I could achieve anything today.
I was never into classics, 70's-80's or 90's except a very few romantics maybe...but am not a person who wouldn't try everything that could catch my attention. My dear friend, Amber, suggested me David Bowie some time ago so I decided to give it a go.
I had my to do list already playing in my head, a few phone calls to make, grocery shopping and a meeting downtown in a cafe with an old friend from school.
I played "changes", 1971,a song which introduced him to America in 1972. Preparing breakfast with a taste of Bowie was fun, but still, I must say, David Bowie is not for me. I finally had to switch to my old, loved all time playlist. Tom Walker, Ed Shereen, Adele. There was a time when I used to absorb myself into emo, MCR and so on, am gladly over that phase now.
It was then when the warm, sweet smelling, lusterous tea touched my lips but my senses were snatched away rather abruptly by the default, loud samsung tune of my AS-20 model, some sort of Jazz I guess. I wasnt happy about it, I like my morning silence way too much to care about the world. Am almost religious about it. "It better be something important", I complained as I leaped to the shiny, dark wood kitchen table. Its not anything exotic, more of a good to go, everyday peice of furniture I bought from a small showroom just outside the city, build in a small two floor building. Few numbers flashing wasnt something that would calm me down. I dont like it when my emotions dont stay under my control, specially anger but I was able to not let it go.
I was quick about getting over it.
"Hello, who's this?"
My tone might have been a bit rude or hurried, but it wasnt out of reason. 7am in the morning on a weekend is not a great time to make calls unless you work at the president or as a doctor and you got my reports with cancer( which am sure isnt happening to me).
© AzmanskyHerrmann