

I Wish You Knew
"Shhh.. it's ok... it's ok... let it all out..." He whispered softly and held her close to his chest, making her feel safe as she could possibly feel.

He looked at her with a questioning look in his face.

"Now tell me, what happened?" He ask in a soft voice.

She looked at him with a teary eye and snuggled deeper into his chest and took a deep breath before finally speaking.

"I-I caught him c-cheating..." She said while shutting her eyes tightly, trying to forget the sight that greeted her when she got inside her apartment later that day.

"Shhh... hush now...he doesn't deserve your love anyway, that guy is a jerk, you deserve someone much better than him" he said while wiping the tears that rolled down her cheeks which soaked his shirt, but he didn't care, all he did was to whisper comforts in her ears while gently rubbing her back, trying to soothe her aching heart.

The next few weeks we're agonizing, but he was always there when she needed a smile, he was always there to comfort her, he didn't leave her side till she finally moved on.

She was finally herself again, and with his help, she forgot about the man who broke her heart.

Months have past...

"So is it true?" he sat down while his eyes trained on her intensely.

She looked up him and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" She asked.

"About you and Matthew. Dating. When we're you planning on telling me this?" He said bluntly.

"Today... that's the reason why I wanted to meet up with you," she answered honestly.

"But I was kinda worried that you wouldn't approve, I mean like... you kept on ranting on how much you hate him and all...." she trailed off before casting him a pleading look.

"He's no good for you, c'mon you know that he's known for being such a casanova!" he can't help to raise his voice.

"But he said he-"

"And you're going to believe his sweet sugar-coated lies? You'll just get hurt, and I don't wanna see you crying over a guy. Again." he said with undeniable anger in his tone.

"But please... can't you just atleast try to like him?... for me?" she looked pleadingly into his eyes.

He let out a deep sigh and looked directly into her eyes.

"Do you... really like him?"

"No... I love him" she answered while smiling genuinely.

It killed him.

"Alright... For you." He said with a heavy defeat on his tone, hoping she didn't notice it.

He ignored the stab on his heart... just so he can see her smile, because he loves her.

Her eyes glinted.

She threw her arms around him over the table and hugged him tightly.

"You don't know how much this means to me..."she murmured as she pulled away.

She took a glance on her phone and quickly stood up.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I need to go now, I still need to go see him."

"Alright, take care."

"Thank you..." she said and smiled brightly at him with a genuine glint in her eyes as she walks away.

He can't help but to shed a tear.

He always strive on her happiness, even if it only cause him pain in return, but seeing her happy makes him happy as well because... he loves her.

She's the only person he have love enough to put before himself.

"I wish you knew..." He whispered to himself and smiled bitterly.

Thank you for reading!
Kindly follow me for more poems and stories 💕
(photo not mine)
© Trisha