

Life as we know it has ended, as I closed my eyes and inhaled I taught to myself. How am I going to make this last.

Wow! my last pay check was about to be drawn out. I slowly approach the ATM, while calculating the total cost of my bills.

Light, water, internet, student loan, if you think these bills aren't enough , well it was topped off with medical bills. Yes, Cancer give me the slap of a lifetime.

Family, friends, acquaintances would call from time to time just to ask" how are you feeling today,? " that's all I would hear. Not," do you need anything or am coming to help you out for the day. " Family always find new ways to disappoint me.

The calculated total of my bills exceeded the amount of funds in my possession. Deciding on which bill had to be held back was difficult, because all were important and pending.

Wow! shit! I didn't add food to the calculated list. "Lord I need your wisdom, please point me in the direction I need to first go".

Due to a lumpectomy surgery, followed by Chemotherapy (pacitaxal) one treatment every week. I was forced to take medical leave because of the intense side effects.

After the surgery was completed I got a notice from my insurance stating" Ms Sylvester you are not covered due to the non payment of the monthly premium. You won't be able to make a medical claim."

I didn't understand this information because I knew that the funds were taken out of my salary every fortnight. MY payslips stated these facts. Inquiring information from my job about this situation was difficult.

Just had surgery, breast, arm, neck, shoulders and head were in constant pain. So making the trip to the office was out of the question. I had no choice but to call.

After three days, someone finally answered the phone. My situation was explained to the clerk, she responded "Ms Sylvester due to the non payment of clients we are unable to accumulate the funds needed to pay employees insurance. As soon as these issues are rectified, all outstanding debts will be paid."

Now I could have sued the company I worked with for fraud. But I needed my job, plus I didn't have the funds to hire a lawyer.

After four months on medical leave, majority of the savings were spent on medical procedures and medicine. Only God knows how I survived this long.

After paying some of my bills, I decided to purchase breakfast. I might as well eat something good seeing that it's the last salary for a while.

Hunger took over but I couldn't eat right away because I started feeling lightheaded. All I can think about now is this huge bake and saltfish, time to head home.

"Pleasant good morning can you spare something to eat."This is what I heard while passing on the street. I looked around and saw an elderly man sitting on the pavement.

Now am hungry too, so am hustling to get home to eat. I almost pretended I didn't hear him speak. I felt a strong urge to assist him and stopped and asked.

"How are you going this morning, I don't have much right now but I have a sandwich and a cup of coffee I just purchased would you like to have it."
I didn't wait for him to respond and handed him the breakfast.

I opened my purse intended on giving him $5 but only saw $20s and $100s. Without thinking about it I pulled out a $100 bill and handed it to him.

The smile on his face instantly brought tears to my eyes. I remembered when I needed help, I asked my sister for help to purchase medicine.

She told me" right now I only have money to but a gift for my husband. I need to buy something very good for him, can't help sorry."Now this is the same husband she can't wait to leave.

We all need a little assistance sometimes. Although I needed the funds. I couldn't just pass by and do nothing.

Snapped back to reality when I heard his voice saying "thank you". He reach in his pocket and handed me a $5 bill. To my surprised, I didn't expect him to have any money much less to give back to me.

I said " it's ok you can keep it." He said "sometimes bad things happen to good people not that God want to punish us but to prepare us. Today is our lucky day you should purchase a lottery ticket with this $5 bill."

I hesitated for a while but still took the money from him. "Ok I will you have a great day". On the way to purchase the ticket, I taught of the numbers to play.

I taught about all the life changing events that I've been through and survived. Sadness fell upon my face.
6 years old I survived burning house incident, 18 years old I lost my mother to cancer, 29 years old I was diagnose with breast cancer. 6 1 8 2 9 were the numbers to play.

Reached home and fell on my bed an begin to cry. "Lord are you punishing me, please forgive me for all the wrong I did in my life. Even for the times when I wasn't aware of my wrong doing. Thank you for always being there when I need you. God I need your help now, I need guidance and strength."

I pulled myself together, went to the kitchen to prepare a meal. Mac and cheese was only thing on the menu to make. It was delicious.

I spent the rest of the day relaxing in front of the TV. News broadcast live came on. After it was time for the lottery results.

Looking at the lottery ticket in my hand then looking at the TV. I couldn't believe what I was hearing or seeing. OMG!
I read it once, then twice. I wasn't imagining it - I had won the lottery!