

memories... 😌
The picture in the frame held a lot of memories. Some good, some sad. Her tired eyes roamed over it one last time before she tossed it in the fire. It was time to start afresh.
A better start of a new life comes with a sound mind. What if she continues with that gloomy life of hers. Is she really satisfied there... she asked this question several times to her soul. But alas! the answer is already known to her. She can't help herself with these memories of her. So she decided to better set them ablazed.
One last time she thought of the memories given by him and his surroundings. Some are very much mesmerizing... & some are very painful. Her first day in his home brings lot of happiness & steadiness into her life is just becomes another nightmare of her life. She very much tried her best to make his house to her wishing home... But sadly this not comes true... Her dreams shattered into pieces when she comes to know that for whom she left her parents & her family.... he left her for his parents and their dreams...
She left by him with a newborn baby girl as her responsibility which she neither able to take care by herself nor willing to be ready to take responsibility as single mother.
His visit to that house only occurs when he want some rest & enjoyment. And she just start believing that one day she is with him only as she became a good home maker. She tried to give her best to her husband & his family. She loved them all by her heart.
One day her husband announced that he want to complete his studies & make himself stand in the society. She also became very happy for his decision as her studies also left by her act of marriage. So she start doing a job as a teacher in a private school in her society. Now she became happy as her time started passing very much in her chores.
After 2 years of her marriage she came to know that she is pregnant again. What now! she thought. Her family & members advised her to abort that baby, as she's not ready to take responsibility of herself this time again. But she is against of any murder by herself and here is her own blood... own baby... she cried bitterly that night. She asked for help to her husband that she is against that abortion and want her baby in her world. Although husband also don't want to take responsibility of this new kid in his house.But before her he kneeled... Now she has to take care of her own and her children all by her own. This is the tough time she will go through, she thought once. But since this Decision is taken by her, she's ready to avail.
And she left that job for him& their children. She thought now life will go good as most of the time started passing with the kids. But the pain still became her part of life as no one could even try to understand what she want & what she need. She is also very educated. She also have some dreams in her eyes. But the tough part of her life is still there as she is regularly complained by her parents that she is not a good daughter as she didn't talk to them with good tone.
She continously asked this question to herself with a broken heart and shattered life, how could a daughter talks to her parents very coolely when her decision of marriage is taken by herself and her parents are against that. So she taken a pathetic step to make her apart from them so that they can't learnt about her condition very much. She didn't called them frequently, she even takes their call occasionally& her tone gets changed also with the terrible experiences that she is facing in her life. And now she is awarded with a tag as worst daughter in the world.
Meanwhile in her house she is fighting with the daily nonsense of her inlaws.
As she is very pampered kid in her home before marriage, she didn't learned the very House hold responsibilities. But as the time flews she tried to enjoyed her motherhood as well... So she started learning the things which she needed in this process. But in a piece of corner she want to be with her husband & their kids altogether.
One day she decided to visit his husband place and make him surprised. And when she went their she get shocked to see that his husband cheated her and set a new family of him and this is the only reason that she is not taken by him.
So she decided to break this relationship with heavy heart and make herself free... free with all these shackles of her present life.
She comes back to her kids, set a fire and collect all foto frames of her room & tossed it in fire. It was time to start afresh.