

The life after the call...
I know it's been a long time and most of you may have forgotten us but... doesn't matter because we have got each other in the long run. So we are gonna start from where we stopped.

I took the phone from Ananya ( I hope you remember her) and yes it was him, the one who was a little bit late ( just 8 years). One and a half years later, today I feel the same as I felt back then. His voice still excites me, his face makes me nervous, his presence means everything to me. I have never believed that someone would be able to fix my feelings in the right place for the reason I mentioned at the beginning of the story - " I was less fortunate in love life". 9 years later here I am, with the person who is gentle to every living being in the world. meeting him in the beginning and after 8 years was an accident but the life I am living today is dreamy because of him. We don't get to meet and talk with each other every day as we both are in different states busy with work. Apart from being two individuals who love each other, we are responsible to our country and people.

We rarely meet but when we meet we make our world and Ananya is there to add more joy to the moments. He adores her as I do, she calls him uncle and Delhi uncle sometimes because she understands most of the time he calls from Delhi. Being Ananya's momma is easy but being her best friend is kind of difficult for me because she found her best friend in him. Both of them have many secrets which I am not even aware of. Once they planned a surprise birthday party for me on a very busy working day (good act of showing love but I had to reschedule my important meetings because of that), put cheese inside my sandwich on a no-cheat month (yeah I was on a diet), made me eat pork, and convinced me that it was beef ( I don't eat pork), hid my credit card just before paying a huge bill and embarrassed me to death and the list goes on...

Now you may have got an idea about how my life moves with both of them playing such wonderful pranks over a strict momma and a fitness freak girlfriend. Oh.. oh.. wait... you thought we are married? We aren't. We are just living our life to the fullest. Like all of you, I am also looking forward to marrying him when we both feel ready. Right now, I don't feel like we need to rush into something as we have got a very serious-busy career, a kid to love, educate, and show what it takes to lead a life you really really love. Marriage is not our priority; the happiness, and freedom of each of us matter. We want Ananya to understand that marriage is not the aim and end of our life. Marriage is... Marriage is... Nop.. let her define what marriage means to her when she grows up...

© athmasakhi