

"I got it, I got it." Yelled out the man. He was around his twenties and was in very good shape. Ever since he was a little kid (around six or seven) he always had a love for fishing. Conveniently there was a pond down in the woods behind his house. Every day he would go down to the pond and fish. The fish he caught were almost always to small to keep and eat, but the boy just loved the feel of catching a fish, pulling it up on the bank, removing the hook from the mouth of the fish, and throwing it back in the pond only to caught again on another day. Briefly he would find and catch a fish big enough eat. His mom and dad were divorced by the time he was born, he had never met his father, his mother would tell him storys about when they were together, how they fell in love. The boy was named after his father, his dad's name was Calvin, so his name was the same. Calvin Bener. He even had a little tiger stuffed animal, and he named it Hobbes. That was his second favorite thing, comics. He loved reading comics he loved the artwork on every panel. Every week his mother would take him down the the thrift shop near there house and let him pick out some
comics to take home for the week, the comics at the shop were either from 50¢ to a dollar. Most of the time Calvin would only be able to take home about five or less depending on the price, but that was enough for him. He would take them home and make them last the whole week. When turned ten he had over two hundred comics, he had quite a massive collection, he had took old shoe boxes and put the comics in them on a bookshelf in his room. They were all organized, some of the categories included Marvel, DC comics, cartoons, Archie, and so many more. He also had a separate box full of nothing but Batman comics. Oh he loved Batman. When he turned thirteen he still loved fishing and comics but not as much as her. Her name was Reagan Jones, and he was in love with her more than anything in the world. After about a month after she moved to his school he worked up the courage to ask her out. She had said yes and Calvin's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe she had actually said yes! Every afternoon they would go down to the railroad tracks, sit and wait for a train to pass. Calvin had shown her his comic collection, come to find out Reagan had a comic collection too. She took him to it one day after school. "C'mon my house is just a couple blocks away." She said. "Ok I'm coming." Yelled Calvin. Reagan was much faster than Calvin. When they reached her house Calvin was out of breath. "Shut up bitch!". Calvin had heard someone inside say. "Who's that Reagan." Said Calvin. "No one." She said as she started to walk away from the house. "C'mon let's go down to the train tracks." She said. Calvin her more arguing coming from the house. Calvin ran after her and they walked down to the tracks in silence.
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