

A Short Ride || Chapter 1
Chapter 1: A Family's Ride

The trees stuck and gripped the rocks amongst them. Unmoving, peaceful, bountiful. Well off neighborhood, Maxwell thought to himself. Spinning the feeling of the door lock at the tip of his finger. Before Thalia slapped it away cautioning danger.

"Watch it Max"

"But mom!"

"You don't want to break your head opening the door do you?"

Thalia patted his head, urging Max to imagine what would happen to his head if he were to open the door. Falling off head first, great chance a tree trunk breaks his neck after slapping his temple, rolling a few meters and grazing the skin off his right cheek, shoulder, hands and thighs.

"My love don't scare little Max, he's probably a scaredy-cat but I'm sure he'll know when to be safe you know?"Polly, his dad roared smiling. Carefully threading the clutch pad, pushing it gently in resetting the stick shift to the middle for neutral then pushing it upwards for the 3rd gear.

The little boy always seems fascinated with the car controls, it amazes him that with those simple movements. The car springs to life with each setting. A smile found it's way to his heart. Kids running around the block, some playing Hopscotch, some playing Tag.

"Papa where are we going again?"

"To Gramma's house honey, she told me she wanted you to help make spaghetti for Grampas birthday."

"It's Grampa's Birthday!?"

"Not yet baby, it's in two days."

Maxwell shifted him on his seat with the news. It's in 2 days? But he didn't prepare for a present yet! He wanted to this year but he didn't have any money... Thalia seeing this smiled in delight seeing the essence of her only son's heart. She whispered.

"Don't worry, do you want to go with us buy a gift for Grampa with Grandma?"

Maxwell's eyes lit up like a candle in a birthday cake, gripping air excitedly.


The family's car was filled with laughter all the way to the first mountain they have to climb. Sputting gas behind them, the sounds of barely making it troubled Polly. The tracks on the wheel decorated additional support which was enough to push through the hard part of the drive.

Singing in relief, the whirring noises of the car went back to normal as the scene around them changed as well. Now there were no houses, just birds, trees, and deer...

"Mom there's deer!" The mom and son looked in amazement as they saw one of the deers hopping out to the road. The fur of the deer was well maintained and awe-struck baiting.

Until then, Maxwell slowly drifted off to space. Dreaming about a Giant worm in the desert, peacefully letting Thalia ruffle his hair for comfort. Gently relaxing his diaphragm, the air escaping his lungs in a meditative state.

A few minutes later pain seared through his cheeks as pressure built up between two fingertips jolting Maxwell awake. A pair of two olden laughs leveled the air outside the open window.

"Our Lil' Max enjoying his sleep?" Churning both lips into a smile.

"Grampa!" Both of his little hands finding it's way to the old man's waist, binding comfort and experience.

It was a long time since he saw his Grandfather. Ellicit memories, bonding over the pain caused by the tiny wheels around a plastic ring, at the middle was cloth suspended supporting the whole weight of the creature's disproportionate body. Big head, a smaller torso. Aggressively but cutely bumping into the grey slacks, the old man oh so love.

"I'm sorry it took us so long to visit Dad... Needed to find a house..." Polly added, with his Father smiling they could rest easy. The family is back again, Maxwell now admiring the bond between his father and his grandfather. He knew as a child he would grow up to be like them dignified men.

"Well we don't want the rain bothering us do we? Polly my dear why not put the beetle inside the garage?" Said his Mother, who seemed to keep being young with no freckles with the ripe age of 45. Truly a mystery.

"Of course!" It didn't take long, 5 or 6 minutes before the engine ceased. Feeling the sides of it open as the family of 3 got out of the car. Electricity's final moments in the battery.

It was a good birthday.

© Tafii Biscuit