

The Mafia and his Angel (Part–1)Episode9
Episode 9:

Narrator :When Alex came back he saw that Lauren was not there, so he tried to call her.

Alex:C'mon Lauren pick up the phone! Why is she not answering the call? This girl will be the death for me. But what if she is in trouble? I have to find her.

Narrator :Alex called his best friend, kian.He is also the member of black eagle.

Alex:Hey Kian,i need your help.

Kian:What do you want me to do?

Alex :I am giving you a number, you just try to trace it.


Meanwhile at silver wolf residence :

Shane :Where is Lauren? It's almost midnight and she is not at home yet.

Oliver :She went with Alex.

Shane:Alex?Where did he took her?

Oliver :I don't know.

Shane:Are you mad? You allowed her to go with him, he is from black eagle family, they are not trustworthy .

Oliver:Alex is not that type of guy, and most importantly we can't control Lauren's life she can do whatever she wants to do.

Shane:You know that a Lone Wolf never survive. And she is alone there with him. I have been trying to call her for almost an hour and she is not picking up the phone.

Oliver :Wait I will try to call Alex.

Alex:Hey Oliver!

Oliver :Hi Alex, Lauren is with you right?

Alex:Ummm someone kidnapped her.

Oliver :what?

Alex:Yes but don't worry we will find her soon, I am trying to track her location.

Oliver :Wait we are coming there.

Oliver:Shane get ready we have to go to Black eagle Mansion.

Shane :Why what happened?

Oliver :Someone kidnapped Lauren.

Meanwhile at another part of the city.

Lauren:Who are you? Remove the cloth from my eyes.

Narrator :They removed the cloth.

Lauren:Mom you?

End of episode 9
Hey guys! hope you liked this episode, stay tuned for next one.