

Things can only get better
Indigo Fletcher is a twenty-nine year old, with Raven coloured hair, she had steel grey eyes and was naturally slim, her world had taken positive prospects and a life that just seemed to get better and better by the day.
She sat herself under her bay window in her stylish bedroom, she had a modern four poster bed, a built in wardrobe that had been handmade by one of her friends, Jackson Cooper. He had brown eyes and jet black, well styled hair and was rather sticky. He owned his own carpentry shop and his business had taken off with a boom. He like Indigo was twenty-nine years old, his attitude was always a positive one towards everything. Jackson had actually been the one who had encouraged her towards her goals and ambitions, once she had stopped being as down on herself she too started to do well for herself. They had been friends for as long as she could remember and no matter how many different directions their life went in they still had time for each other. There was never a love attraction between them, just a true friendship. Not many people seemed to understand that, they didn't believe that you could just be friends with the opposite sex, something they had both been determined to prove wrong to everyone.

Her room was a simple room, but she followed the less is more rule, she had minimal amount of things out, there was a picture of her and her friends on the side, a lamp on the desk of draws with a couple more pictures of her family. Her room had dark purple wall with her bed up against it and the rest of the walls were a brilliant...