

It's Not All Our Fault
I'm confused, why no one has mentioned...

I'm a bit confused and concerned. In the early stages of what Scientists were warning us about, that began somewhere around the 70's I think, some scientists began to discover that the Earth has a natural cycle it goes through. I believe somewhere in the 20th century coinciding with deciphering the Mayan calendar, scientists discovered that the earth has a 35 - 38 thousand year cycle. That Global warming and cooling was a natural part of this, and was not due entirely to human beings using up natural resources and emitting greenhouse gases.
I'm not an expert by any means but I do see a pattern of the powers that be repeatedly attempting to incite panic, chaos, and violence amongst ourselves.
They must believe that culling the human population is the only viable option.
There is so much of an attempt from so many sources, to control the masses and force blinders onto the population that it is truly staggering and scary.
I remember vividly the 1st time that so called "free" TV began incorporating repetitive pharmaceutical commercials for example. I found it disturbing that we were on a subconscious level being force fed. There are so many things going on that is worrisome and concerning. Scientifically, one thing I hope is true. That Nature will demand we correct our behaviors, if we want to continue to exist.

Beware: Gaia may destroy humans before we destroy the Earth
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