

You Wish - part 1
it goes with me, anywhere I am it is there... it chases me at night's and other days it just observes me far from my sight.. sometimes for fun it goes in my dreams and make me see stuff which was weird as it is and then becomes more complicated...
I wish it'd leave me alone
it doesn't... that is the worst part
it makes fun of my very existence...
makes me numb and helpless at times I'm frozen not aware of anything around.. exposed to this vulnerability of mine to the world...
why don't you leave me aloneeee...
it's still observing. thinking how where , when or whom it can use to add as a prop in my dreams...

in the end..
now I'll go to sleep and see what it is or who it's gonna be this time.
this ability helps me to save people in a way and help to bring them back to a normal life track
© thecreativenut