

Deception and Desire
A night to remember
Shantel's pov
It was sun dow, and the clouds had gathered up there, way above my head, up there in the sky. It was going to fall eventually, sooner or later, tiny droplets of rain would fall down like the tears threatening to do same soon. The maids hurried about their work, clearing the spacious splendid compound space before the rain would pour down. Like the strict, strong housekeeper I made myself seem, I ordered them about, shouting when necessary, yelling and threatening too. But anybody who could really see, who was careful and meticulous enough would be able to see through this mask passed by disguise, into my heart could deter that I was pained deep inside me. I couldn't hold it anymore, couldn't pretend for another second, I rushed to the garden at the back, with the strong flowers and prunned shrubs to support me. I cried my dang eyeballs out. The tears that had been suppressing me for so long, now poured out like the rain that gad begun to fall.

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