

Selfish Love: Chapter 6
Then as Ruru was about to head home, Maruqez was waiting for her outside her school, staring madly, so Ruru didnt know what to do, she just looked at her shockingly, Then slowly walks towards the gate, "where's Yuna...please come quick...you said you're gonna come here before her!" Ruru said to herself, while Yuna was actually on her way, she saw Maruqez and Ruru, she quickly hide and wanted to see how Ruru would act.

"You're not going anywhere this time, I've caught you once again" Maruqez said while just staring madly, Ruru noticed how Maruqez's eyes are a bit puffy, "she...she have been crying that bad?!" Ruru asked herself, so she walks towards her and looked, so Maruqez was confused "im sorry Maruqez...but i cant", Maruqez felt really sad, she just slowly touches Ruru's hair, trying hard to stop herself from crying, but she couldn't hold it anymore, she went down on her knees and hugged Ruru from there.

Meanwhile Yuna was shock to see such thing from a person like Maruqez "huh...the monster fell apart" Yuna said to herself. Ruru was scared she doesn't know what to do, she gently tried to get Maruqez off her legs, but Maruqez was hugging tight, "Maruqez stop!" Ruru yelled as she pushed Maruqez away, which breaks Maruqez heart, but Ruru pushed her away just to go down on her knees and hug her tight, "calm down Maruqez..im here" Ruru then looked to Maruqez "im right here.." Maruqez just stared at Ruru, tears flowing down her face, "come on, stand up.." Ruru stood up and grabbed Maruqez's hand to help her out while thinking "what's wrong...what should i do now? Its her fault..but now it seems like its my fault..should i go back? No...we should had a talk about this..."
Maruqez groans and wipes her tears, then took a deep breath, "im sorry, i didnt know i would fall down on you here...i will just go home.." Maruqez didnt even look to Ruru as she says it and just walks away,

"huh...well..that was some kinda something" Yuna said to herself as she looks up trying not to let her tears out, "yeah, nice crystal clear sky today, isn't?" Yuna flinched, she didnt expect Ruru to find her already, "wha- Ruru!" She quickly got out of the bushes, "why you do this to me!!" Ruru got mad, "h-hey Ruru relax, i wanted to see how well you'll do!" Yuna didnt know how to make it sound normal, "w-well..i want you to know..how to fight for your own, not always there's someone on your side, thats what im trying to say, i want you to learn that" Yuna felt sad, so Ruru sighs and held Yuna's hand, then they walk back home together, "you kinda made a mistake back there with Maruqez" Yuna said out of nowhere, so Ruru just listens, "when she walked away, you could've stopped her and maybe talk about the problem you both are facing, right?"
"So you want me to go back with her??"
"Nooo not like that! But just to sort and clear things out! You know how much i lo-lik-..i care about you, i dont want you to go back there, i want to be with you, its just..that she took us apart..im glad we are able to see eachother again.." Yuna felt happy, then all of a sudden Ruru shouted, So Yuna freaked out "A BUG A BUUG!" Ruru hide behind Yuna, "Where?! Ruru calm down!"
"YUNAAAAA HELP MEE" Ruru cried "THE BUG..Is it at my back?..." Ruru turns around, and Yuna was frightened to see how big it is, "TAKE CARE!! SEE YOU AT HOME" Yuna ran away laughing, "Arghh...YUUUUNNNAAAAA!!" Ruru chases Yuna, Which scares Yuna even more and they ended up both screaming, not knowing...the bug already flew away.

They quickly ran into their home, Ruru jokingly hits Yuna's back "how dare you leave me like that!!"
"Thats what we call, love!"
"Yeah right! Love to yourself huh?!"
Yuna couldn't stop laughing, she was wheezing, "your face was priceless!!" Ruru got so annoyed. Then later at night, they were just watching some movie, Ruru went to the kitchen to prepare Coffee, so Yuna thought she would take time, she opened her leg, "ahhhh much better to sit this way! Feels like freedom", when Ruru returned and see how Yuna was sitting, she then sat between Yuna's legs, "hey Ruru!!" Ruru just put down the coffee on the table and relaxes, "im not a chair you knoww?"
"Well, im not a pillow that i can squeeze myself through small places"
"And all i can see now is your head!"
"Arghhh you're getting to my nerves now Yuna"
"Oh, im sorry, i guess i went too far", Yuna hugs Ruru. "She's so cute..if only Maruqez didnt cut us off, i wonder what we are right now" Yuna accidentally hugged Ruru tighter and made a high pitched noise, "are you okay yuna?" Ruru was confused, "hey, since tomorrow is weekend, how about we go outside and have some fun?" Yuna asked happily.
"Ehh? Sure!" So they decided to sleep early since they will get up early.

Meanwhile, At midnight, Itsuki decided to visit Maruqez without letting her know, "I-itsuki??" Maruqez was shock, "yup, i just decided i would visit you, because why not?" Itsuki lets herself in, leaving Maruqez confused, "okay, this is weird, i dont like strangers in my house..i mean i know her but...not like this" Maruqez said to herself. "Huh, so you really live alone..." Itsuki said as she looks around, "you know..Maruqez..." Itsuki said as she walks towards Maruqez, really close that Maruqez had to back away but she hits the wall, "i really liked you, from the time we met, but Ruru was always with you, the way you act..your voice..and that look on your face..." Itsuki starts to put her hand on Maruqez's face,
"And now that Ruru is no longer with you...would you like to try it with me?",

Maruqez didnt know what to do, she didnt feel right, and she doesn't like her situation right now, she tries to slowly stop Itsuki without hurting her, "well...i cant just suddenly forget about her and go out with you yet...besides, im 6 years younger than you..im too young for you, im not good enough" Maruqez tried to get away but Itsuki held her hand "so you're saying im too old for you?" Itsuki made herself look sad, so Maruqez got mad and decided to yell, "you dont understand! Its enough I've hurt Ruru emotionally and physically! I cant handle to do it again!", itsuki was shock "im now disappointed on you!! Why would you want someone who's soo young to be your lover?!"
"Huh, you're shouting at me now, bring it on, hurt me like you did to Ruru and see what you're gonna get" Itsuki then Grabbed both of Maruqez's wrist and smiled "you're going to be the next Ruru"
Maruqez tried to get away but Itsuki's grip was really tight, "itsuki! Stop!! Or im gonna call the police!!" Maruqez started to cry in fear while trying to get Itsuki off, "Calm down Maruqez..fine, im leaving" but before Itsuki leaves the house, she looked back once more at Maruqez and said "i saw how your face had the look of an innocent frightened child...you're scared of it..yet you're trying to be bold.. you shouldn't have stepped in the adult life that fast..now you're just destroying yourself and what so called your Love, Ruru" she slammed the door shut. Maruqez was so shock but also really mad. She clenched her fist in anger and cried silently. Meanwhile...in Itsuki's house, "i think i went too far, but i hope she learned something, poor Ruru"