

I believe what we need more than a vaccine is Hope. There a a set of spiritual principles in some 12 Step programs that we could all use and teach each other. There is no need for embarrassing start up conversations. its as easy as saying " hey have you heard about the spiritual principles. Its a new way to navigate in these times." Learning them takes a few minutes. Practicing them takes time. Perfection is not needed. The ability to realize that you are human and that you have character defects within a Shadow is enough. The Shadow must be confronted at first. You have to admit to yourself that you are susceptible to evil tendencies that can affect you and others you love. The point is not to suppress the Shadow, but to accept it as part of who you are. Then you can apply the principles in your every day life.
The 12 spiritual principles of recovery are as follows: acceptance, hope, faith, courage, honesty, patience, humility, willingness, brotherly-love, integrity, self-discipline, and service.
- Acceptance is when you Accept your situation as it is in your reality and have the Courage to move forward if need be. Always strive to ve the beat version of your self. Also the acceptance of others, thier flaws, quirks, physical attributes, limitations and strength or lack of. Their beliefs systems and confines of reality. No one is the same physically, spiritually, or emotiinally. Not every person has the same perception of reality. If you never heard of that concept DO NOT REMAIN IGNORANT to that fact of life. Every person no matter who they are have a small part to play in the universal design. There really is no room for judgement or separation due to any particular differences.
- Hope
Hope can break the chains. of slavery that bind us to our every day life. To oppressors, hope is more dangerous than any weopons that can be mass produced. Hope has caused uprisings and toppled dictatorships. Hope can keep a fire lit where darkness is all consuming. It is the light at the end if the tunnel. Hope springs from love and anger both. More than anger , love can bring about hope from the internal self. It can make a bunch of farmers with pitchforks into soldiers with rifles. It is also the catalyst for change. Follow the light if hope and your path may never be dark again.
- Faith
Faith is the belive in somthing you cannot touch or see and barley explain. Christians have no physical evidence that Jesus existed. Just his words in a book is enough for one who chooses to believe in him to follow that path. Same can be for scientists who for theories and hypothesize. Both are equal in thier belief that a certain outcome is inevitable without physical evidence that once existed but is no longer available in one form or another. Faith can whisper in your ear that everything you think you know is correct or better than to be expected.
- Courage
it is the ability to perform a difficult task in the face of adversity. A fireman must have courage and training in irfer to kick open a doir to a burning building and save anyone trapped in side in order to preserve the lives involved. The people who wrote the Declaration of Independance knew that they could be hung or tortured for treason. They still wrote it. Courage is putting your head down with your 50lb back pack on and taking another step in the direction you have to go in despite the physical pain and mental anguish it is causing the Marine bearing the load. It can also be the motivating factor between doing the right thing and the easy thing.
- Honesty is telling the truth about a situation even if it screws you over some how. The pride one can garnish from telling the truth as opposed to the shame one will feel later , is monumental. There are two ways to be honest. Brutal and Gentle. Brutal honesty is practiced without compassion and can cause irreparable damage. Not to mention how selfish it that a person lacks the integrity or intellegance to express themselves in an articulate manner. Starting iff an unwanted opinion with " you know what your problem is?" That can cause a resentment and damge the relationship between people. When submitting an opinion one should always ask themselves these questions. Does it need to be said? Does it need to be said by me?Does it need to be said now? Is it warranted?
if you cannot say yes to all four questions...keep your opinion to yourself.
The second way to approach practicing honesty when dealing with others is to first look at yourself and ask what is it about that person that you see about yourself. Then deal with your own issues. Upon using honesty in a conversation, offer your assistance. " May I offer an opinion?" Its that easy and just a matter if common courtesy . Honesty can be practiced in many forms for many reasons. Always take others into consideration.
- Patience is a direct test of will vs understanding. The immediate response most people have when dealings with others is the inherent need to fix a situation with instant gratification. It can also cause a person to impose thier will upon others. This can cause negative results. Time and patience are words that are almost non existance in a culture of "right now". When so many choices are at the end of our fingertips patience can seem like a foreign concept to most. Patience brings about the most efficient results. All of ones dreams and desires can last way longer and enjoyed more, if you have had to wait a minute or two. Rome wasn't built in a day. and niether is anything worth while. Meditation is recommended to truly understand this principle.

To be continued...

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