

Let there be courage
What is courage but the desire to pick yourself up when all hope seems lost. To give it all knowing probably that it means nothing because in the end you're but destined to fail. Most of us have atleast once in our lifetime been through a lean patch.The friends we thought we had, were not there, the assets we thought we had, turned into liabilities and even the dawn symbolised an arrival of pain and suffering intolerable anymore. The insatiable desire to live an eternity seemed to be gone and all we wanted was a pit to bury ourselves in.
Then one day we decided to muster some strength and do what we felt would mean nothing but did it for the sake of the air we breath and the water we drink. That ability to do something when in all probability it means a loss is the true meaning of courage. It doesn't mean to face some 50 headed monster in a chilly dark night or climb an 8000 metre high mountain or go to the Mariana trench with an oxygen cylinder on top of your back. No,to pick yourself up when you hit the rock bottom knowing that it might mean nothing, knowing that it might only prolong the pain is what we call true courage.
You're going through a tough time, everything seems to fall part and nothing is going your way. Hey you!, yes you, all I want to say is that you shall hold on to what you believe in and persevere in this rough journey of yours. By the grace of God you shall overcome and when you do you will know how courageous you were not to give up. The road ahead is hard and beset with evil but I know, we all know that you have the will, you have the courage to make it.
Keep striving and be the hero of your own story. Good luck to you in whatever good you desire.

© aadil wani