

" What matters most is not the result but the process itself"
In a realistic world like the one i was born into, the one full of harsh realities that were sometimes hard to fathom, dreams were a luxury. They were not treated with the sincerity they truly deserved.
Every dream in my imaginative world was beautiful, regardless of whether its small or big.A perfect world where i dreamt of the goal not solely to obtain trophies but to enjoy every glimpse of the intense process. In my world, it was about going through the process together and rising to the peak of the world as a unit. I was hoping to bring light to the world and hopefully make it a little bit of a better place by inspiring to be more compassionate and less self centered. Wouldnt it be less ironic to bring new lives in a world full of love and where dreams are valued than in today's world?
The process is what immensely mattered.The journey of seeing our older selves into play and slowly evolving into someone phenomenal.A perfectly flawed being.Someone our own selves could be proud of.During the process was our own families, our blood thicker than water.The people we could always count on at every step of the climb. The people who sacrificed all they had for the sake of our future making sacrifice a vital component of life.For the sake of our dreams, some were even willing to let go of their narrow perceptions of how we should lead our lives.They allowed the magical ride to manoeuvre through to see the beasts within us awaken and the stars within shine the brightest.
Along the way true, sincere and honest friends were made. The kind who trusted us more than we trusted ourselves.They were willing to go to any extent to support, love and be present at every step of the ladder. As we saw our broken and unfinished selves, they helped raise our wounded selves into wondrous beings and see light, not what happened to us but how we took it in and made the shining pain ours.In a world where everyone seeked to be understood, we had each other. They lent us their shoulders to cry on at our most vulnerable moments.We inspired, cried, laughed and grew with each other.We celebrated the sweetness of victories of every endeavour we embarked on. The most beautiful encounters were the ones like handkerchiefs, wiped away our tears when we are tired and our sweat when we are exhausted.
The most important part of the journey was of course ourselves. The euphoria that resided in seeing ourselves grow into versions we never thought possible. Not for the sake of anyone else but ourselves. As our current selves lookes into the mirror, we saw our old selves staring back at us. Proud. Proud of how far we have come. Being our own inspiration and looking up to ourselves. We were chasing our wildest dreams and along it all formed love and unimaginable bonds. Perhaps that was the truest meaning of life. To be our own Picasso and splash out the colourful paints of life to hopefully bring a better vesrion of ourselves into being and leave the world a better place than we found it.
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