

Father's blessing

So, It's already 11 o'clock in the morning yet we just had our breakfast , since it's father' s 56th birthday, I assumed today would be a bit busy day. Because For the first time ever since I existed,Papa decided to celebrate it and we'll be cooking at least some food ,or should I say, they'll be😌🤭 I don't have any cooking prowess nor even passion for it,so it has to be my sister and papa doing the cooking and me on cleaning their mess afterwards.
As they are busy slicing and preparing those vegetables, I took my coffee with me, my bible and my favorite book,The Elegance of the Hedgehog, and went outside. Oh, what a beautiful day! The combination of the sun's warmth and the cold whisper of the wind just kissed the whole of me upon closing the door.My beautiful roses greeted me with their lil rosebuds as well. I murmured my gratitude for today's blessings and looked in the direction of our doggo's little home.
I set them free so I'll have company. We went up to our usual place,our old house that now has no walls. 'Such a relaxing view' I uttered as I sat down, sense of tranquility and stillness embraced me as I looked up in the sky. Who wouldn't be relaxed with that cerulean ocean above,with some whitish cotton like clouds scattered across while some are in motion, either to the left or to the right.
Laid down on these woods aligned with each other, I leafed through my book and read at least a chapter.. About an hour or two, that warm touch of sunlight and brightness the world has  Suddenly vanished and turned into a cold and gloomy weather.
I was fortunate to witness the sudden change of the world, from a blue sky to gray. From that weightless and pure white cumulus clouds into a heavy dark grays that are ready to burst its anger to the sinful land of the living.
I took my bible and read chapter 6 of Matthew.. Then I can hear those single droplets of rain banging on the roof one after the other. A minute went by or so,those dark clouds unleashed its heavy content and rain fell. Winds blew as it beats against those huge trees, on houses roof, leaves dance as they meet those droplets of rain.. Flowers rejoice like that of a cactus that experienced rain on a desert. As the rain poured down heavily with its deafening sound of it as it drummed the roof, I started to read a chapter of Psalm so loud that I am almost seem like casting a spell,or doing some exorcism.So synchronised and immersed in reading, I was so fortunate to have witnessed such an astounding and magical momentum.
Tiny cube of ice fell and bounced on my feet, shocked, I picked it up, and continued to read the Psalm so happily with my loud voice being drowned in the louder music of rain. That sudden flash of light so beautiful but terrifying , as the thunder roared and roared loudly.
Then another magical moment happened that I cried.The dark clouds above paved its way for a white cloud and blue sky to emerge, the beam of light smiling so merrily as it gave a Ray of sunshine to our dark world.
It's like the gates of heaven just opened and showering blessings. I literally burst into tears, my friend.
I just felt the presence of the Lord. So magical, butterflies rambling in my stomach,my heart pounding with joy.. I was praising and singing melodies to the Lord. I murmured a prayer and say what I wished.My faith in the Lord has long been deep and strong but this moment made it even deeper and stronger. I know I am beyond blessed more than ever.
I cried and I smiled.. Mixed emotions in me..
I continued to sing.. As I know this signifies a doubled and hardened blessings for us, and a wonderful gift for my father's birthday..to be able to witness this beautiful hour of magical and spontaneous moment of God is way better than thousands of gift presented in a beautiful wrapper. That miniscule of ice may have been melted but the feeling and memories it gave me will last forever.

© aadieaudry