

Once upon a time, there lived an amazing prince charming. Inspite of being born into wide difficulties, this little prince had a great habbit of carrying a beautiful smile. The confident prince faced every single problem with a great enthusiasm, teaching everybody, a lesson of being brave enough to fight against the issues, and be self sufficient.
The prince apart from such a tough time, every day lived his life, his own way. The life, every ordinary boy wished, he had that all, family issues raised, the days became stone hearted, having no mercy over that little boy, time seemed bias, and did all it could to take down that little man, but that little prince, full of love, joy, passion to get out of nowhere and binding his own life, successfully made it to decision of creating his own life, which was full of adventures!!!!
King and queen had no option but to follow thier own path in their own ways, had nothing to go for but to survive in this cruel world. The little prince who was new to evrything that could come to his way, tackling the time, in all the possible way, began to find the ways to live. He accepted every challenge, the cruel ones, the beautiful ones, the adventures, nothing could stop him from the growth. The journey of surfing now became exciting after including few stunning people around, which he called as friends!!
The days became hours, hours turned into mintues, the whole started feeling like a very short amount of time with the fellows which helped the prince to grow.
As the days went, the prince charming began to look like a man, a man of his own words, suffered from the times, a portrait of a self build hunky youngster, who feared nothing.
The town now had a new attraction, few of the women now had a reason to dress up to the shops, in the middle of the street, do nothing but just to have a glance of his irresistibly bewitching face, which made a home in the heart of almost all the ladies ....
He unknowingly, spread all the love he could possibly do, favorite of almost all the people around, counted as an absolute individual, and a wise prince amongst all. The fellows now became family, as all of them rules every single person's heart with one way or the other. Everything gets okay within the matter of time, so did his destiny. The quote, time is a healer, repaired his fate, as he was destined to be an engagingly admired and richest king of all the time with a very loving subjects of his kingdom. The prince then was declared to be the wise king as he already mastered all the skills that a king should possess, and lived a happy life ever after with his beloved family, friends and kingdom.
© akshubarshile