

BALCONY - Terracotta Floor
Tonight, I'm sitting on my mediterranean styled balcony, on the terracotta floor, enjoying the open space in front of me. You won't believe me how surreal it looks like.

When the cold wind blows smelling like midnight, I feels like I could jump and float in the air. Like a leave floating in the wind, I wish to surf the wind throught the tall building, and see my reflections on their windows.

Do you ever realize the scent of midnight wind? Slightly reminds me of tamarind and lemon, mixed with calming loneliness and good ol' memory. It's a kind of loneliness that tells you, that you are not alone.

Ah, the wind blows again, I close my eyes and open my arm. And suddenly I can see my balcony disappear. I am floating in the air. I beg the wind to brings me to secret places. And suddenly the wind drop me gently. I open my eyes, and here I am, sitting on my mediterranean styled balcony, on the terracotta floor.

© Peng