

My Old Friend
I came out of the office very late today.There was lot of work in the office.As soon as arrived, i put the bag on the sofa and went to fridge for drink water.But there was no water in the fridge, i was very thirsty so i quickly went and opened the pipe and drank water from it.While drinking, i turned on the net and looked at whatsapp and received a thousand messages like a fast train was coming.It was then i realized that today was mithra's birthday.I also realized that she was worried about not making a birthday wish.I met her recently and now she was one of my close friend.Suddenly i sent her a birthday wish.
I saw a message from an unfamiliar number saying "How are you?". My mother's call came when i came to see who it was.After talking to mother i went to fresh up.When i came back i remembered that i have to make dinner today.When i go to the kitchen the vegetables are waiting for me.Quickly made dinner i came in front of laptop to do penting works. I remembered that message again.I picked up the mobile and opened the whatsapp, charge was over and turn to switch off.I put mobile in charge and again back to the front of laptop.I saw the video sent by namitha yesterday.It couldn't be opened yesterday due to busy.I opened that video it was a horror video.Frightened i quickly closed the video. The electricity gone too.I found the candle sitting in the table in the dim light of laptop.I heard the sound of someone knocking on the door when i lit it.Frightened i walked towards it.When i opened the door it was meera and rithu.my best friends. The three of us live in this aparment for past 3 years.Later, after work, i ate dinner and went to bed.
I had a dream and woke up quickly.It was 12:30 when i looked at the clock.I lay down again but couldn't sleep.I saw the mobile and remembered about that message.I took my mobile and went to hall.I took whatsapp and looked at that message.There was no profile photo.I left a message asking "Who are you?".The reply came.When i heard his name, i was frozen.I didn't no whether to cry or laugh.It was no one else. it was my old friend.I was happy to have my best friend back years later, whom i thought was lost. Old things kept coming to my mind like a movie.
I finished fourth grade and enrolled to a new school in fifth grade.He was the first person i saw when i went to class.I saw him as a jerk who was reluctant even laugh. I got a character sketch about him after seeing his attitude towards others.I do not remember when we talk first but very soon we become best friends.Although many people told me don't talk with him,I became his friend without listening to them. call him mindreader,if we can, because he can read me without telling anything to him.Many thought we were in love but we didn't care because we knew that our friendship is more beautiful than love.
Most of the time we were in chatting.From the morning good morning messages to good night message i couldn't put my mobile down.So i slept late at night.We were worried that would not be able to see each other after 10 th class but luckly we studied together till 12 th class.We have not seen or talked after 12 th grade. Our friendship ended there without us even knowing it.Later i went to chennai for study.Then job, busy so i forgot about him.But now my old friend has come looking for me. I felt so happy.
It was when his message came again that i came back from our old memories."Did you forget me?" this was the next message.I had lied that not forgotten,thinking that it would be a shame to say the truth, that i had forgotten.From the conversation that ensued,i realized that he knew that i was in chennai and i was an engineer.I was very happy when he told me on monday that he was coming to chennai for work and we would see then.Suddenly the sound of rithu heard. quickly i turned off light and went to bed.But suddenly a question came to my mind "Is he really coming here for work? or just coming to see me?"