

Not a story, but quarantine thoughts ..
It's quarantine days.. world facing pandemic. Just a complex RNA sequence, emanated from Wuhan and pervades all over the globe.Myself in India facing a lockdown in my house. Just a time to be alone and think.Did I'm the only one who thinks about depression, loneliness in mid of pandemic?.. Did I'm the only one who facing a war with myself in my mind to be not depressed? I think I'm not ...The one now reads this,also have some depressed thoughts,about anything.. Whether about disease or separated from loved one etc.., But I used to say ," Don't worry.. everything will be alright.".. Even situations are worse than ever before.. Just try to get some positive vibes for myself.But I failed for myself mostly. Because of my thoughts or whatever. But I make sure to say this for many people I meet. I'm just trying to give hope as best as I can.. Just a little try, a little push to your positivity.

Sitting in front of television, seeing news about the corona spread.. the volume fades out from my mind and myself used to fall in the well called depression.. It is deep, deeper ,deepest than you think and measure.. I hope some hands can lift me up or I must try to get up from it.. I tried a lot. But failed. Each and every attempt I fail, the more deeper I went. I fought till I could. Climbed, try to place my foot firmly on the brick in well to go up. I used my strength of mind to climb. And finally , I got the checkpoint. I climbed almost to top, But still need to reach the top... And little step to success!

But I felt someone beneath me,trying to climb just like me... Myself , thought for a while, about him .. I given my hand to reach him.. To help him to climb.. The help, which I didn't get during these hard times..The help, which I wanted to.

This writing doesn't have a point?..
I don't know... I'm just try to give hands to someone like me.. who also can read this .. luckily..😊

This is my saying to that person....

"Come on comrade ! , Let's climb together !, To the peace of mind!"