

With all honesty i came here looking for answers, answers to all those questions that were eating me up inside, questions that i had went around asking heaps of people, only to receive answers that i could never digest, that i could never breathe into me and process. It's funny how i looked all around for them and the thought of looking into myself never even entered my mind, being the contemplatist that i am. Its funnier how i ended up finding the reasons behind those questions rather than the answers, how i realised that there are paths that one should walk down for the answers, that no one else can find an answer that'll justify your questions, that you'll have to walk down the path and find them out for yourself.
I wish i could find words in me to tell y"all what an experience Vipassana has been to me. So I'm choosing to sit back in equanimity and thank all the people and the thoughts that led me here.... every single one of them.
May all beings be happy.