

Deep thoughts
Does the availability of different flavors of ice cream change the fact that it's still an ice cream?
It only makes it interesting for us to try them all, even mix them.
Why then do we still have problem with people of other race?
After all we're all humans in different flavors (colours)
But the answer to this, I fear, is that we choose to discriminate. Pardoning our ancestors of having the fear of the unknown thereby making them all fight against people of different race. Now, that isn't the case anymore as we've all mixed and gotten to interact with one another, so the excuse of not knowing is no longer applicable, nor the grudge of past animosity. Every racial or tribal discrimination now is because we choose to set our mind against accepting ourselves as one.
The only way to solve this is an acceptance from the heart, individually. No amount of words will rid us of this problem if there's one person bent on hardening his or her heart against acceptance.
Racial discrimination is a problem that will always exist amongst us all. What we can only hope to achieve is to ensure no to violence is ensued.
© Simmy