

The day
The day i fell in love with her was the most happiest time of my life the sweet talks holding each other all night like there was noone in the world but us the love making was enchanting she where my love and my friend the queen i always dream of into one day my dream became a nightmare the day she fell in the arms of someone else a person who i loved more then life it self my baby brother a pain that noone should ever fill now my sunny days turns into darkness a memory is all that i hold in the back of my mind that hunts me everyday 4 years 2 kids i where robed of my trust my heart was ripped out my chest my pride as a man broken how could the people i love the most hurt me so badly? I sit in this hole alone replaying the memory over and over again hoping one day i can love once more love is a silent killer it will drain you fells like i have nothing left in me im dieing on the inside and noone see it.

© Sr.Antonio