

My Senior High School Boyfriend ! ( Chapter 2 )
"Excuse me , are you alright ?" asked that man.

"Yes ? Yeah , I am alright" said Ezylnn snapping out of her thoughts.

"Seems like Ryan didn't recognise me. It's good otherwise , it might be very problematic" thought Ezylnn.

"Have we met somewhere before ?" ask Ryan.

"What ?" said Ezylnn with a shocked face.

"Did he recognised me ?! No , it can't be ! It's impossible ! I doubt , if he even knows that I was an ex-high school classmate of him" thought Ezylnn.

"It seemed like I had seen you somewhere before , therefore I asked you if we had met before. It must be my hallucination. I am sorry for the misunderstanding" said Ryan.

"No , it's alright ! No problem !" said Ezylnn with a smile on her face.

"Looks like he didn't recognised me. That's great !" thought Ezylnn.

"Are you the new teacher of Royal High School ?" asked Ryan.

"What ?" said Ezylnn who was busy in her thoughts and hadn't heard what Ryan said.

"I must have done a mistake again. I thought that you were a teacher , but ..." said Ryan but was cut off by Ezylnn.

"I am teacher !" said Ezylnn.

"Oh , so , you must be the new teacher Mr. Ezle !" said Ryan.

"Right !" said Ezylnn and nodded her head.

"Sorry for the late. Actually the Principal had asked me to pick you up but because of my late arrival , you had to suffer all of that" said Ryan with an apologetic face.

"No , it's alright ! It wasn't your fault. It was the mistake of those indisciplined students" said Ezylnn with an assuring smile.

"Ryan is just the same as he was in the high school , sweet and poilte" thought Ezylnn and smiled.

"Oh no , your arm is bleeding" said Ryan looking towards the right arm of Ezylnn.

"My arm ?" said Ezylnn with a confused face while looking towards her right arm.

That's when she realized that she was injured and said "Oh , it's alright ! It's just a small injury , no big deal !"
"Small injury ?! How can you say that it's a small injury , when so much blood is bleeding from your arm ?" said Ryan with a concern on his face.

"But it's ..." said Ezlnn but was cut off by Ryan.

"No , buts ! Just come with me and I'll do your first- aid" said Ryan.

"But ..." Ezylnn tried to protest but was again cut off by Ryan.

He held her hand and said "Let's go !"

"... I am scared of injections" murmured Ezylnn.

"But with Ryan doing my first- aid ... isn't that bad" thought Ezylnn and smiled.

What kind of relation do you have , does Ezylnn have with Ryan ? And what is he doing in this School ? Don't forget to like , share , comment and subscribe.
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