

The Stepmother i Curse
Christopher is a Boy Who lives a happy life with his Mom and Dad.but one faithful day.a Tragedy happened to his mother.for an Unknown cause his mother died.some suspects its an Accident or Posion.after a few mothns of Grief and Depression.his father Diceded to Re-married a girl named Lady Lamia.just like the tale of Cinderella.she had two children named. Corvus and Raven.Corvus is a Bully gamer.while Raven is a Spoiled Brat child.Christopher Describes Lady Lamia as a Cruel and Non-loving Creature to him.one day in the Dinner Table.while his father are in the kitchen and everyone is preparing in the Dinner table.Christopher made a joke about Raincarnation.saying “Maybe in my next life a your son you’ll love me.”Christopher said Jokingly.Lady Lamia Replied.”Even if Your a Raincarntation or My Son in next life. Always remember I Will Never Ever Loved You As My Own Son.in all My Lives”.after Christopher Heard that Words.he froze in silence for a Couple of Minutes and Pretended to be okay.after the meal.Corvus and Raven Came to him and said to him”Listen up you Useless Peace of Garbage.Stay away from us You don’t belong im this Family.no one loves you.Even your own Father back down at you.You Should just Die .because you have no one to Ask For help now.You Have no Friends and Family “as they said that.Christopher hit it .and Started attacking them.as his father heard it.he said to Christopher Angrily.”CHRISTOPHER WILLAIM VENGELUS STOP WHAT YOUR DOING RIGHT NOW OR YOULL BE OUT IN THE HOUSE NOW!”as Christopher heard it.he tried to defend him self but in the end no one listened to him.instead his father took him to the Basment and Started Beating him up Rapidly and Brutally.his Stepmother and Stepsiblings started doing the same.a few days later.he heard them said that they will go on Vication for Christmas in Swistserland.and that time he knew he had an opportunity to leave.after they left.he tried on all his power to Leave but nothing.he is losing hope.but suddenly he heard a voice of his mother and said.You Can do it Christopher.i Believed in You.after he heads his mothers voice.he used all his Strength and finally leave to that hellish place.he run,and run until he finally came to his mother’s grave yard.there he froze until his finally minutes.hensaw 3 vision’s of his family.the 1st vision is seeing his Family enjoy Christmas in Swisterland while eating in a Log House with Delicious foods.the 2nd vision is him seeing his step brother Won a Championship in a Gamer Contest and His Stepsister Having the time of her life.and last he saw a vision of his family with a New Born baby,everyone where happy and Welcome him Lovingly.before his final seconds he saw one last vision.a Vision of His Mother in Heaven Waiting for him and said “Come with me Christopher.and all your pain and suffering will end.we will enjoy life here in heaven”his final words are”im coming mom.wait for me.”
© kyouse