

Jungle girl episode 2
Now she had written her speech.
Other students enter the classroom and said Cherry you didn't attend assembly today.
she smiles and do you have any problem?
Yue: no why are you getting angry.
Then the teacher entered the class.
All students stand and say Good morning mam, Margret.
sit down all children.
1st I will take your roll call. Then we shall start our lesson.
she took the register in her hand and speaks loudly.
roll no.1
roll no.2
roll no.3
and so on

Okay, so today our topic is Gravity.
says mam Margret.
students do you know our earth has a force that helps us to walk on the ground.
As you all know about Newton.
Shan tell me who is Newton?
shan: He was the most talented person.
Mam Margret: And
shan: "hehe my father told me newton was the most talented. you can also become talented like newton but I said papa newton studied the only one subject that was physics I study at 8 subjects daily. you can't compare with me newton."
Whole class laugh.
Be silent says mam Margret.
Now cherry tells me:
"Newton was a scientist, he discover gravity when he was sitting under the apple tree. Apple fell on her head. Then he notices why fell downward why it went upward ."
Mam Margret: Well done cherry
victoria who was a rich and rude girl in the whole class says: what an overconfident girl
Zahra says mam why not tree fell on newtons head now we will have to learn difficult formulae.
Whole class laugh.
Mam Margret: listen students
Do you know the moon has also gravity but it is half of the earth? so we walk like a bouncing ball on the moon's surface.
Wow, all students say.
Does anybody tell me why we cannot walk in space?
Yes mam I know space has no gravity she says confidently.
No, victoria says mam
All children laugh, victoria got angry.
Mam says:
in space phenomenon of weightlessness creates, so we cannot walk in space.
Bell ringing.
Students there are numerical on page number 5 you all have to write.
Okay see you tomorrow.
To be continued...

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