

» May Day Eve «
⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ- "爱自己"

It was late at night, the bustling sound of young people filled the area found at the antique building where both men and women merrily intermingled.
So boisterous , the young men swayed to and fro– drenched in alcohol, and merrily calls out to the young maidens. Whereas anxiously, these women weep and scowl towards those men as if a tidal wave had occured and disrupt their tranquil space. Albeit inevitable, due to their living business.
The brothel was built in ages, wherein these young girls grew up, and luckily some were able to leave and set a new life. However on that night, an old woman who frequently visit the maidens to share nonsensical tales came to share another topic.
"Oh my! How tragic –"
"Are they really true, old Anastasia?"
"Tell us more!"
As if it became their source of entertainment ; to divert their attention from the lingering noises under the chaotic party. Since some of them were assigned to entertain the guests, and they couldn't do anything but to sit quietly or laugh along the men.

"As an experienced woman, I shall tell you girls - a far interesting thing!" Their attention is snapped back to Anastasia again who appeared like a classic raconteur.
"Nah, it must be a rumor again."
"Oh you guys, the mistress might scold us again if we won't quite down and sleep!" The older sister of the group attempted to cut their conversation, but Agueda – the youngest among the maidens is particularly active and deeply engaged to the conversation.
" Aww, just let her continue ! " She protest and eagerly asked Anastasia.
"Now, tell me, tell me! Can I really know who shall I marry in the future?"
Agueda's doe eyes sparkled as if newborn stars in that night. Her inquisitive nature prompts to dig more information. Like a curious butterfly, fluttering to find what satisfies her hunger for experience.
"Oh my, let us know too!" While the young ladies perked their ears to the topic "love" and "fated person".
Anastasia, immediately wore a mysterious expression and breathed in the next words.
"Alright, you must follow the procedures correctly. To let you peek into the future and see the person you will be fated with."
They nod in unison.
"First, light up a candle and go to somewhere dark. Then face the mirror and say these words :
'Mirror, Mirror, I hope to see— to whom I shall marry.' "
Agueda, reciting those words repeatedly in her mind as if prayers, came down agitatedly to make preparations for the deed.
“But be careful, if things go array, you might meet the Devil instead of your Destined One." The woman cautiously warned.
"Ehhh how silly ! Devils don't exist in this era anymore, maybe it's all a lie!"
"Well, it's up to a brave soul to prove so"

Remembering their last conversation, Agueda was lightly relieved, and proceeded to walk slowly towards the full body mirror seated upon a wall within the empty hall which was filled with party mess merely hours ago.
The candle light danced gracefully amidst the dark, but with the pale reflection of the moonlight from the huge windows, the place only seemed eerie and cold.
Finally, Agueda held the candle high with her hands to see her own reflection. She was even frightened at first but soon contained her erratic heartbeats.
After her tongue let out the haunting words, indeed, someone did appear behind her.
She jumped in and almost fell, but the mysterious man captured her waist, and their gaze collide.

"Oh, Mama! Was it Papa?"
The adult woman only smiled lovingly and cradled the precious girl on her arms. She glanced at the old mirror across the room, as her memories on that May day eve resurfaced. Even though her face is evidently wrinkled, and her hair is whitening, her eyes shone brightly with warmth. She kissed her daughter on the cheek and continued her lore.
"Well, I thought it wasn't him because the dark place made me thought he's a bad man."
"Papa is kind and handsome, so did you met him there Mama?"
The woman chuckled at her curious little girl.
"Well, maybe, but he's indeed alot better."

The young Agueda, quickly pulled off from the man as if bitten by a snake. She recognized him as one of those noisy men from Europe who frolic among her sisters.
" If you are here to observe thy beauty, then a mere candle is needless, my lady. "
Surprisingly, he politely greeted her and even poured flowery words that made her frown. How insolent, he thinks I'm the same as them!
"Let go of me! and I'm not here to admire myself !" Agueda tried to shake off her hand from him. As he aid her to stand in balance because the candlelight just died moments ago. Only the faint light outside helped them not to stumble upon each other.
"I see, but it's dangerous for the young lady to wander alone this hour."
"Well indeed, because people like you make it more unsafe!" She spewed words like poison, and vehemently look up to him. But the gentleman man only curled his lips as if deeply intrigued by her sharp tongue.
"Ah, I recall you are one of those lovely ladies residing here. Well, I must apologize in behalf for my friends for disturbing this place. I assure you, we will leave by early morrow."
He bowed elegantly, his moustache oddly matched his appearance. His well combed hair and neat outwear, made him look noble and matured among the other men.
Now If I clearly recall, he only stood beside his friends and casually interact to the crowd. Agueda pondered.

Badoy Montiya lowered himself to the fiery young lady who he just saw after coming back from the garden. He remembered her name was Agueda. Such a sweet girl! Although he was older than her, he saw her in a new light after she walked around with energy during the party.
"As you must! I wish you and your presumptuous companions should be gone faraway! We are already dire even without you! So stop coming here!"
She unexpectedly let out her perturbing thoughts about them, and she gasped. Afraid that he will get mad, she wanted to escape suddenly.
"Just a moment, Agueda." She stiffened, but didn't look back. Then she felt him took steps closer to her with a luminous prescence.
"Please take care on your way back. Have a good night sleep, my lady." He handed her a small lamp that is enough to see her foot steps. She took it without any thought and hurriedly climb up to the stairs as she felt his eyes tailing on her. With feelings she could not discern. She could not erase the picture of that man, even after so many years.
3 years have passed like a short season, but Agueda felt it was endless. As she found herself staring outside her window and sighing. After that May evening, she was troubled over and over about what she said to him, and how he spoke kindly to her. Different from what she expected him to be.
"It might've been better if he treated me worse so I could just bury him along these memories." Agueda contemptuously sighed. It was May again, and like any other day and month. She unconsciously looked over the far distance and recalled a certain image of the man whom she met on that dreary night.
"Agueda! quit depressing over your lost one, we did warn you on that night to not do it. " Her other sister on the brothel said all over again. She was tired hearing it for how many times.
"Yeah ,yeah I'm not really depressed, silly. So, who are the new guest today?" They were expecting a guest again from abroad and they said it was from Europe. Agueda's heart started to race, but she pretended to not care. I did told him to never come back. Hence Agueda, with a guilty heart silently agonized and crushed those false hope.
"Let's welcome our new guests warmly."
"Nice to see you again, my lady."
She almost fell over when she heard that familiar voice again.
It was May day eve again. Don Badoy just arrived after a few years of business from abroad. But even after those endless time, he only had one person that remain haunting his dreams.
A beautiful young woman, bathed in the moonlight. Her long ebony hair cascaded down her pale shoulders like waterfalls. The night gown she wore accentuated her fine curves, and her face was white as sheet when he first talked to her. He can't forget those trembling figure and her eyes. Oh how enchanting they were! Those doe eyes shot his heart when she poured acrid words , clearly expressing her hate towards him and his men.
"My lovely lady, I've been hoping to see you again but as you told me, I am but a despicable man. I wanted to give you peace as you deserve."
Now more matured, they face each other under the silver moonlight. Agueda had tears in her eyes as she shook her head.
"This time, It's me who needs to apologize. I was immature and rude back then. I.. actually went here to meet my destined love."
Therefore both figures talked for quite some time, intertwining each others' heart more and more.

"Oh Mama! How sweet! I also want to check myself on the mirror and discover my future husband !"
Agueda laughed at her frivolous daughter as she giddily ran down to get her things. Nonetheless, Agueda thought that unlike herself, a different outcome may happen to her daughter. But like her, she will teach her daughter to be more kind and understanding towards the people she know and will meet in the future.


"Grandpa, will I really meet my loved one if I whisper those words in mirror?" Voltaire, Don Badoy's grandson innocently asked.
"Well, that depends. But you must be positive my boy."
He chuckled, as his memories about his beloved wife who early passed away just when their daughter Amelia gave birth to a son. However, Don Badoy love telling stories about him and Agueda. As she was always beautiful even at the very end ; he was hopeful to meet her lovely smile once more.


*Note: This short story is actually inspired by a Filipino story, May Day Eve by Nick Joaquin. My teacher in college tasked us to make our own revision of the original story and yeah this is what I wrote hehe
If you'd like, you can read the original story May Day Eve online! :)

*Credits to 小红书号: panyapanpan
for the image used ^~^)

Thank you for reading <3
© jyannu

#shortstory #philippinestory #romance #tragic #drama #family #revision #writings