

Atop the eldritch high Mount Dallas where once the Gods played, the phantasm of the evil moon shone bright.

The locals near the mountain tell of the strange days still——they tell of the daemons that howled in the night——they tell of the things beyond space——
and yet the younger locals do not believe in the tales. They are speculative in many of the things their grandams have told of for centuries.— Some say that still there are ancient debris from the fall of the dead moon whence it had been struck down by the large bodies of rock from the starry cosmos. They say the creatures of supreme cosmic regions had sent those rocks as a warning for the locals to finish their tribal acts of occult seances. When the rocks fell from the sky of that moon, people from the thousands of years in that past stared up at it with awe and astonishment.

Sometimes, in the old, star-lit skies, older men and women look up to the skies and claim they can still see the face of the moon, although that moon has long been divided of all its regions since the fall of rocks. People claim these elderly men have gone senile, so once or twice the villagers tried to commit them to the madhouse. But the mad-man at the southward brink of the hamlet, who they call 'Ole' Wizard Zenas', says he saw that moon when it died, and he went to that place in the Realm of Dreams, to consult with Zakegh the Wise who was once possessed by Maggoth. Ole' Wizard Zenas had been lurking in his dilapidated hut for well over twelve decades, surviving old age with an unknown potion brewed by the grandams of three centuries prior——and so the people listened to him greatly.

He said it was an aeon of blackness when he was once young——and when he was a farmer, he watered his crops, and looked up to the sky. There was nothing at first, and then a large bright star, or many stars, fell and pounced about to the gibbous moon. It kept going; and for an eternity he stared in awe of what he had seen.

It was a color he had seen only once!—and in demoniac curiosity he walked to his neighbour's house and asked if she knew anything about that rain of light. But she knew nothing, and in strange fear they ran to the village to find information on the whole. Then Zenas heard a whisper from the dreamy forest, and, when he looked down to the woods, he saw that the trees swayed without wind. He felt something was wrong; but he could not tell what.

Then the wailing of sirens was sounded. Some debris had fallen down from Mount Dallas some few hours ago, but the authorities did not know where it had come from. Very suddenly everyone was ordered to evacuate the village, but Zenas only went back to his small hut at the farm and marveled at the lights.

Then he heard the sounding of a man, echoing from the direction of Mount Dallas. It screeched, and then paused, but it did not stop until Zenas had passed out.

—"It! It's here! The creatures of the supreme court of quasi-space has shewn already their wish, now! The debris of Mount Dallas comes from the Moon! Don't! No nearer! Let 'em run! No! That cursed pit——that damnable, cursed, evil pit! No! NO!"—

When Zenas passed out, as he claims, he saw the moon up close; and it had indeed been the cause of the debris on Mount Dallas, which had fallened down and almost caused a disaster on the village. He knows not what the voice was, but he remembers a certain jumble of letters which Zakegh the Wise in dreams had shewn him: ŹÆŒ£.
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