

☠️Keres☠️(part - 4)
Keres- having entrusted the governance of the dark realm to my care, will you not visit the cherished wife and daughter whom you, as the Father, have concealed from me?

Draco- upon realizing that he had concealed the truth from this individual for decades, was overtaken by fear and astonishment.

Keres- do not exhibit such fear, Father. You are the sovereign of an empire; how can you display such trepidation? Have you truly become so weak, Father?

("A credible narrative of resurrection, depicting the anguish experienced by a daughter who has lost her father. This tale unfolds her pursuit of vengeance against those accountable for her profound loss, showcasing the searing embers of grief that reside within her.")

"A compelling narrative in which she meticulously dismantled each individual who denied her the affection, care, and protection she rightfully deserved, not by resorting to violence, but by embracing a path of non-violence."

© Niyathi_Arya