

The Enlightening Conversation
Being a Life Member of Iskcon Temple, often I converse with Respected Swami Jis and Maharajas of there...
Today morning infact I had a talk with Swami Ji, he enquired, "How am I doing?"
I expressed my heartfelt grief to him caused by Pandemic...I told him that I'm so badly depressed, even I'm overthinking and sometimes overreacting and hurting my near and dear ones.
Hearing this he smiled and said,"Oh! poor child. Relax! Without holding your breath you kept talking...There's nothing to be nervous my child. You're actually undergoing fear. Do you know that with fear comes suffering and suffering leads to fear. So, better drive away fear in order to overcome suffering."
I was listening to him emphatically...
He continued,"Devote oneself in the lord's prayer. The Almighty God blesses us with strength and hope to live life to the fullest and gain energy with all the positive vibes."
He sent me a devotional video and asked me to watch so...and to my surprise a mesmerizing melodious devotional video song it was. So very much ear soothing that I was spell bound.
Thereafter, I'm living with new hopes, determination, courage to fight against the present scenario.
Every new day comes with a new joy, a new plan and a new life, all to be directed by The Almighty!
We just need a new dream, a new passion and a new hope to pursue our old destiny! That's it....