

Sold (continued3)
I took a sip of the drink that Miss Jo handed and coughed slightly. I hadn't realised it was alcohol. "Sorry Miss I should have warned you that it was wine." She said regrettably. "It's fine Miss Jo, really." I said smiling at her. She smiled back quickly and nodded. She turned to walk away but stopped after a couple of steps. "Miss, by the way...Happy Birthday." I looked at her questioningly. "Steve mentioned it earlier Miss..." I nodded and turned away heading out the door. I heard the door open quickly behind me. "Miss... Wait please..." I turned back to Miss Jo. "Miss, this isn't my place to say, but I'm only trying to help... I'm hoping when the time comes that you make the right choice..." She turned around and went to open the door. "Miss Jo! Wait a minute. Everyone keeps mentioning things like that and I don't understand. It's becoming really frustrating. Please explain more..." I asked in an almost begging tone.

She sighed and stepped back closer to me. "We aren't ment to interfere Miss....I shouldn't have even mentioned what I did...All I can say is, no matter what Mater Alec does, trust him..." She turned and walked away leaving me just as confused as I was before hand. I sighed and walked back down the hall to join everyone. I stepped out and walked around the edge of the party. People were drinking and talking in scattered groups. They barely noticed me on the edge as I watched them. A group of woman spotted me and walked over towards me.

"So your the brothers little pet?" One of them said in a nasty tone. The others sniggered at it. "I don't even see what the interest in her is." another joined in. "Come girl, what do they want with a simple little human wondering around. Are you just a small piece of entertainment for them?" I frowned at her statement. "Cat..." Lucus stepped up beside us. I had to say for once I was glad to see him. "What are you doing with Evelyn here? Trying to mark your territory a little?" Cat scoffed at him. "Like I need to against a simpering piece of...." He cut her off with a soft growl. "I would watch that tone Cat, you may find your self a little colder than normal..." She huffed at Lucus and walked away with her entourage on her heels. I looked up at Lucus. "Thank you... I think..." He smiled down at me. "I wouldnt go saying that yet..." He then stepped closer and placed his hand on my lower back as he lent closer to my ear. "She wasn't far from being wrong...Pet..." He then stood up with a straight face and looked at me coldly before walking away.

My heart started to race slightly and I was beginning to find it hard to breath. I looked around and spotted the front door open. I walked around the outside of everyone to the front door and stepped outside. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, tilting my head back slightly. I opened my eyes and breathed out. I stared off into the tree line and stepped down towards it. Pet. The word stung a little. I had gone from being just a piece of luggage that got sold to being a pet. I took a couple more steps forward as tears started forming in my eyes. I just wanted to go and hide. Hide anywhere but here. I rubbed my hand across my stomach as I tried to hold in the tears that where threatening to fall at any moment.

"Planning on heading into the forest... Alone...This late at night?" I almost jumped out of my skin. I turned and Alec was standing right behind me. "No...I was, just...I needed air..." I trailed off as I looked away from him. It felt like he could see straight through me. He reached out and lifted my chin gently until I was looking at his face again. "You don't need to hide Evelyn." He let go and I turned away as I felt a single tear start rolling down my cheek. "I'm fine really. I just feel so out of place in there..." I felt him step up right behind me. He placed his hands lightly on my hips and turned me around. "You belong here now, more than any of the other people standing in there." He pulled me to his chest as another tear fell. He wrapped his arms around me gently and just held me for a moment.

He finally let me go and I stepped back smiling at him sadly. "Am I really just a pet to you and your brother's?" His face clouded over for moment. "Who said that? And no. You are nobody's pet Evelyn." I nodded. "No one... It doesn't matter." I shifted slightly on my feet. "Then why am I really here? I don't understand why you would bring a complete stranger into your home and give them everything with out expecting anything in return." He sighed heavily. "It's hard to explain, and I promise eventually I will, but for now I need you to trust that this is your home. Anything you need will be given to you, no matter what it is." I nodded at him. "Can I ask for one thing?" He smiled. "Anything." I looked at him a little unsure. "I've always wanted to learn to ride." He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow so I continued quickly. "It's just...Being my Birthday...I thought...maybe, just maybe... I could get some horse riding lessons?" He looked at me surprised. "It's your Birthday already?" I looked down. "Your mother said your Birthday wouldn't be for another few days..." He trailed off

I looked back up at him and he was staring off into the trees. "She never did remember my Birthday properly and it's ok if I don't get riding lessons..." I rambled as he looked back at me intensely. He stepped forward again and leaned down so his face was next to my ear. "I'll buy you, your own horse Evelyn..." His face drifted closer to my exposed kneck and my breath hitched slightly. He placed a soft kiss against it which sent shivers running through my body. He lingered for a moment before stepping back and looking at me. "We need to go back inside, come. I'll have Steve organise a horse tomorrow for you." He held out his arm and I took it shakily. It looked like a small smirk was pulling at the side of his mouth as he led me back inside.

We stepped through the front doors and some eyes turned to look at us before going back to what they were doing. The woman from earlier sauntered her way over to us with a smile on her face. "Alec, my love..." She went to reach out and place her hand on his chest but he released me and grabbed her wrist before she could. "Cat, don't." His voice was cold as ice as he warned her. Her smile faded and she turned her glare on me. "So you want your little...pet...over one of your own kind." She hissed at him. He stepped forward menacingly. "I want anyone that's not you. Now leave before I have you removed." She looked at him coldly. "She's not yours...yet." And she turned around and walked off. I blinked in confusion at what had just happened. Alec looked at me calmly. "Evelyn?" I looked up at him. "I'll have Steve escort you to your room if you would like?"

Right at that moment I didn't know what I wanted. I knew I didn't want to be anywhere near her anymore but I wasn't completely sure if leaving to my room alone was a good idea either. I shook my head. "No, I'm ok for now, but can I stay with you for awhile?" His face softened. "Of course." He led me around by the arm as he spoke with different people, making sure he introduced me as we went. I didn't pay attention to the conversations but rather just stayed close to Alec's side. I spotted Lucus staring at me at different points from across the room. I couldn't tell if he wanted to eat me or attack Alec half the time. We reached a group where Keaton and Liam were having a conversation with a couple of ladies. They smiled politely as we joined them.

"Evelyn, this Clarissa and Dianne. Ladies this is Evelyn." Clarissa stepped forward and softly kissed my cheek. "Hello Evelyn." She smiled as she stepped back. Keaton gently placed his arm around her waist and she blushed slightly. Dianne smiled at me. "Welcome Evelyn. How are you finding things here?" She seemed genuinely interested. "A little strange compared to what I'm used to, but it has been very nice." Liam and Keaton laughed lightly. Alec let go of my arm and looked at me. "I have to go attend to a couple of things, for now I'll leave you with these lovely ladies and my brothers." He looked at each one pointedly. Liam raised an eyebrow at him while Keaton just nodded.

"So where are you originally from Evelyn?" Dianne asked. "She's the daughter of an old friend who used to move around alot." Keaton answered quickly for me. "Oh that must have been hard for you!" Clarissa commented. "It was, but now I have a little stability, thankfully." I smiled at her. "Yes we've been taking great care to make her feel at home whilst she is with us." Lucus stated as he stepped up beside me. He placed his hand in the small of my back as his brothers looked at him cautiously. The ladies smiled politely at him but shifted uncomfortably. "I was hoping to steal her away for just a moment brothers." Keaton went to step forward to stop him but Lucus threw a glare at him that stopped him in his tracks. The ladies looked away. "Alec will be back in a moment brothers, perhaps it's best you leave Evelyn until he returns." Liam stated flatly.

Lucus merely smiled menacingly at him. "I'm sure he wouldn't want to stop me from simply giving the girl her Birthday gift..." Both brothers flicked their eyes to me in shock before looking back at Lucus. He grabbedy arm firmly but carefully and led me away from them. My stomach started to knot with nerves the further he guided me away from Liam and Keaton. He led me to a hallway that was empty but still with in sight of everyone. "I have a small gift for you Evelyn..." He pulled a small present out of his pocket and held it out to me. I looked at him cautiously but took it. I opened the wrapping to find a small box. I opened the box slowly and found a beautiful hair clip sitting inside. I was a little surprised by it. The design was very delicate and intricate with diamonds of different sizes set in all the small swirls. I looked up at him and his face was completely blank. "Thank you...It's beautiful..."

He stepped forward causing me to back up slightly and he smirked sideways at me. "Your welcome..." He continued stepping closer until my back was against the wall with barely an inch between us. He leaned down and placed a kiss at the base of my kneck near the collar bone. "I hope to see you use it sometime soon..." He whispered in a strange tone in my ear before backing up and tilting his head sideways at me. He seemed to be thinking about something when Alec stepped into the hallway entrance. "Brother..." The word held meaning enough to draw Lucus' attention. "Alec..." He looked back at me before walking off leaving me standing there with Alec.

Alec stepped over to me and rubbed his hand down my arm. "Are you alright Evelyn?" I nodded a little unsure, but Lucus hadn't actually said anything threatening...It was more how he said it. Alec lifted my hand and gently placed a kiss on the back of it, soothing me slightly. "Come, I'll take you to your room." He took my arm and led me from the hall. He politely excused us from conversations as he led me through everyone and up the stairs towards my room. we reached my room and he dropped my arm while opened the door for me. I went to step past him into the room and he stopped me. "We have a lot of guests staying here for the next couple of days Evelyn, so I have to ask that you be careful while wondering through the house...Some are...More like Lucus..." He stared at me intensely for a moment then stepped closer. "Happy Birthday..." He lent down and kissed my forehead softly before releasing me then turning quickly and leaving. I watched him disappear before stepping in the room and closing the door.

I lent against the door after locking. I slid down the door until I was sitting on the floor with my knees tucked up to my chin. What the hell was going on. Alec was gentle and seemed caring...But there was just something I couldn't grasp...Lucus...Well that was a whole other story. One minute he wanted to eat me, the next it was like he had to try and be nice because...Well I don't know...But then he had to twist it and leave me feeling like I wanted to run for the hills. Everyone was being cryptic about something that I was supposed to do and I was lost. Tears started to fall down my cheeks as the tension from everything started over flowing.

Once the tears started flowing I couldn't stop them. They just kept coming silently until I started thinking about everything. That's when the sobbing started. I couldn't stop them and when I tried to get up from the floor to go to the bed I was to weak. I laid down sideways and curled up as best I could in the dress. I closed my eyes and laid on the floor next to the door crying. I fell asleep on the floor in exhaustion from crying and everything that had happened.

At some point in my sleep I felt arms slid underneath my small form and lift me from the ground into a strong chest. I didn't open my eyes, not that I could have if I wanted to. They held me against them tightly and carried me for awhile. I heard a door open and close softly before I was placed onto a bed. The arms slid out from under me and I whimpered slightly. They had felt safe and comforting and didn't want them to let me go. Someone slid into the bed behind and pulled a blanket up over me before the arms where back around me, sliding me back against them gently. I snuggled back against them and a hand reached up, stroking my hair soothingly until I fell back into a deep sleep.

I wasn't sure exactly what the time was when I awoke but the room I was in was dark. I rolled over and stretched while moaning contentedly. I sat myself up in the bed and looked around the room. It definitely wasn't my room. It was bigger and darker in appearance. "Did you sleep well?" I jumped slightly at the sudden voice. I looked in the direction it had come from and made out a large figure sitting in a chair in the corner not far from the bed. They rose from the chair and approached the bed. Alec sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at me. "Did you sleep well?" He repeated. I blushed slightly. "I did...Thank you..." He smiled softly and placed his hand on mine looking sad. "I'm sorry we have put you under so much stress Evelyn. That was never my intention..." He looked so worried. I frowned slightly then remembered what had happened after I got back to my room. "It's ok. I think even with out everything that has happened here the last few days the same thing would have happened eventually..." He looked at me and sighed. "That's not exactly normal Evelyn, and no one should have to go through that." He got up from the bed and walked around it stopping in theiddle of the room.

I got up from the bed and followed him concerned. "Truthfully Alec I feel like here is more of a home than any other place I have been. I know I've only been here a few days but for the first time in my life there's people trying to do what was right for me not themselves." He turned and looked at me sadly. He stepped up and cupped my face with both his hands making me look at him. "You have no idea Evelyn. Everything we do, we do for ourselves. Taking you in, we did for ourselves. Everything we give you, we do for ourselves. Last night...We did for ourselves...We're not good for you Evelyn, but we won't let you go because we can't...I can't..." he trailed of quieter. I looked at him trying to understand what he was meaning. All I knew was I didn't want him to.

I moved a little closer drawing his attention from his thoughts. "Then don't. I don't want to leave here...I don't want to leave..." He stopped me by leaning forward and kissing me. I wasn't expecting it, but I wanted it. He kissed me gently and pulled me into him. I slid my arms around his kneck and I felt the tension leave him as he lifted me from the ground. He carried me back to the bed and sat down on the edge pulling me onto his lap as he went. He stopped kissing and placed his forehead against mine with his eyes closed. "I'm not good Evelyn...And I'm definitely not good for you..." I sat back slightly and looked at him. "But you try to be...That's more than anyone has ever done for me." he looked at me intensely for a moment. "There's so much you don't know...So much you need to know..." I touched his face gently. "Then tell me."

He looked down sighing heavily. He looked back up at me longingly and placed a kiss on forehead before reluctantly moving me from his lap to the bed. "I'm afraid you wont want to stay if I do..." I frowned at him. "It can't be that bad Alec..." he looked at me sideways and raised an eyebrow. He laughed sarcastically. "Oh it could be far worse than you imagine." He stood from the bed and started pacing while I watched him. He seemed to be thinking about were to start. finally he stopped pacing and looked at me.

"Alright Evelyn..."He said flatly. "Me and my brothers are vampires." I almost laughed. The look on his face stopped me though. Vampires were a myth...They weren't real. He stared at me watching my face closely as the thoughts flashed through my head. "We're also not just any vampires, but the leaders of them. We govern the others and make sure that all our laws are followed...And if they arent...We punish them." Wait...I had been living in a place were I was looked at like food? That could explain why I was kept away from most of the staff and why they all looked terrified when I was around. As if knowing what I was thinking Alec answered the question. "Yes. Not all the staff here are vampires though. They all know what we are, but some are still human." That got me thinking..."The other night I heard screams..." Alec lowered his head. "Yes, that was a one of the staff...Some of us aren't as good as others at controlling our...Needs."

I looked away for a moment then back at Alec. "Is she dead?" he cringed. "Yes. She wasn't gotten to in time to be changed." My eyes widened. One thing tugged at my mind that I had to ask but was afraid to. "Alec...Why was I brought here?" He sighed but stood up straight and looked at me carefully. "It's hard to explain Evelyn..." I looked at him bracing myself. "Try...please..." he stepped closer to the bed watching me. "Once in a lifetime some vampires will encounter a human, or another vampire, that will draw them in... Humans like to call them soul mates... For us it's more than that. Most vampires feel nothing other than the need to feed. Our lives are so long that after a time nothing seems to matter anymore. Then those that come across their...Soul mate... Are forced to start feeling... Emotions again. It is rare enough that when it happens two things come as a result. Either we kill them or...We accept them. Accepting them can make us stronger, more powerfull. The only thing that changes that is if we are rejected... You, Evelyn, are Lucus' and mine." I stared at him with my mouth open.

He stood there silently watching me as I tried processing what he said. I was struggling to wrap my head around it though. Vampires were real... And I was some kind of soul mate to two of them! They both acted so differently towards me though and I frowned. Was that why everyone said I would have to make a choice? So far it felt like I already had. I wanted Alec so bad while Lucus just terrified me. How was that even a choice. One thing confused me a little though, how could I be that to two of them when Alec just said it was rare and a once in a lifetime kind of thing... I looked at Alec and he was still watching me closely as if he were afraid I would run. Not that I wasn't considering it, but at the same time I didn't want to leave. I was draw to Alec even though everything he said frightened the hell out of me. I didn't know what to do. Steve and Miss Jo were right. I had to make a choice and I was pretty sure I had to do it soon after everything Alec had just told me...

To be continued...

© shiree warman