

You've Seen Me
I bumped into this lady in a busy city,
We exchanged our apologies
As I helped her to her feet.
I felt responsible for her broken heel,
So I offered to fix it immediately.
I knew of a cobbler next to a cosy café,
It wasn't far just half a block away.
I told her we could get coffee while we wait,
She was hesitate but said yes anyway.
It felt like she was used to this exchange,
Agreeing to an interaction,
Knowing No is what she wanted to say.

We reached the cobbler and I paid,
Then walked into this quiet café,
It was just She and I,
& From her lack of eye contact
it seemed she had a lot on her mind.
I told her, "there's this coffee that taste great
I know you would like"
She finally looked into my eyes,
Like there was part of a script
That was unknown
And didn't know how to play.
She held her gaze, it lingered for like an hour,
and only a few minutes had passed.
She said "I'd love to try it"
I ordered a white chocolate
With Hazel syrup as the sweetener
Mixed into an Arabian coffee.
The smoke rose from her cup,
The taste caressed her taste buds,
She couldn't wait.
This particular mix was something I did,
Just a sweet souring kick to liven my day.
I ordered muffins due to my observation.

She moved her jacket,
I can tell she's getting comfortable.
She had a turtle neck on
With the tag still on it.
When we bumped into each other outside,
She was running.
I asked "Tell me your story?"
Clearing looking at the tag.

She was ashamed, she said "I'm sorry, it was cold outside & I had nothing to wear"
"NOTHING" was the only word in my head.
We had a lengthy conversation,
About finding a solution for what she did.
Every suggestion offered,
She thought I'd be the judge
To pick her sentence.
But it dawned on me
"She said nothing,
So she couldn't even pay for it if she could.
hmmm, I'll buy it
so at least she isnt claimed by winter"
I thought to myself.

We walked to the store,
I apologised to the workers,
they were furious.
They had every right to be,
She clinged on my arm,
hidding behind me.
I said "Forgive my sister,
I understand you anger sir,
allow me to pay for the items she stole"
He said
"I never knew this street girl had any family,"
this confirmed my suspension.
"Are you sure she's your family, or you're one of these sketchy men embarrassed that you're on the spot.?"
He caught me in a lie, but I remained calm.
"Sketchy" I said under my breath.
I turned to her
"How long you've been on the street?"
I said softly so no one could hear.
"My whole life?" she whispered to me.
It broke me....
The picture became clearer,
I said to the worker without thinking
"She won't be on the street again,
and never gain will you call her a street girl"
I grabbed her hand tightly
"Let's go".

On our way back to get her heels,
She walked closely..
I was distraught...
deep down trying to figuring out
What kind of person would abandon a child to the streets to grow up knowing nothing
But cold and pain.

Then She asked
"Can someone born
From the trenches
Of the slums
Be considered worthy?,
Who only knew scraps
As sustenance
To rekindle a fading spark
For the realm of the living?
Who sold their flesh,
Just to feel another human
Consider their existence?
Who belongs to no home,
For trash on the streets has more presence.
I am a witness to this coldness,
A participant in this story,
But I'm not a surviver of the cruelty
I'm just alive until my time calls me.
I died along time ago,
I feel like a ghost, and nobody knows me.
You just happened to stumble upon me,
& I'll be discarded after this moment,
But atleast I've held a real conversation,
It'll keep me hopeful until reality fills in"

Who am I,
But a man.
I'm nothing at best.
But I've heard her soul
I must let her know.
"No one should be considered unworthy,
Regardless of where you were born or how,
For every breath you breathe is significant,
For your soul if nurtured will know its purpose.
Such life lived will carry its scars,
And society isn't that rewarding,
To them you've chosen this life,
unaware of the teachings poured in.
But I've learned it's not how you start
But the choices you make to finish your story.
Because as long as you have breath in your lungs
There's always hope of transforming.
Its unfortunate that the world
Has reduced humans to nothing,
Expandable parts of a machine,
leaves blown by the wind...
You're none of those things.
But how can I engrave in you
the ability to see your value,
To help you overcome this script,
and become the real you.
But I am but a man
And I know nothing...
Let's get your heel,
And I'll get you another muffin."

"Atleast you've seen me,
That's enough for me to believe
I'm worth something"

© fruitfulodyssey