

carona virus
I am wild and i like to say I am free. I think that other people wish or I know that other people wish to be free too!
in these carona virus times, I lock myself in my room, monsoon has started early where I live.
I just stare out of my window at the rain and listen to the sound of the rain on my roof, occasional flashes of lightening or thunder wrenches the air.
I watch an animal communicater movie and try to communicate with my dog, and like to believe that I am this far away from actualy having a conversation with my dog I wonder what he would say , 'hello you, give me my food' or ' stay out of my space'
if I COULD talk to my dog I would actualy I think act differently to him actualy knowing that he has a brain! like I probably would not say, "are you my little baby boy funny bunny dummy whom I love i am going to eat you for breakfast!" I have no clue what I would say maybe something like " good day " !
I read my book , lab girl, and fall asleep wake up and say oh.....of course, carona virus!!!🙄🤨😖😴☹