



Two cars could be seen in a race as they drove roughly through the race line, the red car took the lead as she drove much faster and much rough giving no chance to her opponent.

Get the fuck out of the way". I yelled as I drove like a lunatic or maybe I am

this race is mine bitch!!". I yelled to my opponent as I took the lead, yeah I always win
we drove towards the finish line as I smirked
Julian" ,Julian", Julian"
the crowded people watching the race kept on screaming my name like I was a celebrity or something buh yeah am a goddamn freaking celebrity when it comes to races,no one has ever defeated me in a race before.

wow........". I yelled victoriously as I crossed the finish line ,I alight from my car same as my opponent as we faced each other

congratulations". she said as she brought forth her hand for a handshake but I chuckled

I don't do hand shake,it sucks ,I want your car". I demanded as the crowd gasped.

what!!!??",. no way, that's fucked up Julian, I just bought that car ". she said as I give an eye roll

I don't give a shit!, I want the car and it's final". I said smirking , as she handed the keys to me .
Thanks.....I said as I got into the car and drove off.

Hi guys let me introduce myself properly
my name is Julian mora, am 22 years old, am cute and beautiful yeah, guy's flock around me like pest, am not too curvy but I have a nice shape even you reading this could confirm ,but who gives a fuck I love my god-damned shape, I shouldn't forget am a cracked head, yeah a crazy one at that, anyone who gets into my bad books is surely expecting a death sentence and less I forget am a racer , a bad freaking one at that.
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