

A person can have many important things in life.But,every person need to have mainly 4 things in their life.
1.Family-is the very most important in everyone's life.We can know many people in life.But,our first priority needs to be family.It is a package of joy,happy,sad and alot of surprises etc,.
2.Career-is the second most important in life.Because,if we follow our career, everyone follows us.It is the way representing our thoughts ,dreams to achieve our goals.
3.Time-is the more important thing in life.If we follow time,we will be in good position.If we didn't do that,then our goals change alot.We can't do anything.
4.Love-I wrote love as a last important one.Because, we need to follow the above three.But,love always follows us.
It is very special in everyone's life and also for someone special in our life..