

I Can't Live Without My Drum
When I am doing what I love it seems as if the whole world around me disappears. Cliche... yeah, but truth...100% I was told I've been doing this my whole life. I know that rhythm is rooted in my soul. I mean, I walk in a rhythm with my hand feeling in every off beat. 2 and 4 of course.

I am a true drummer. I love to sniff my stick after buying them. I rest my head upon the skins of the drum to build that intimate relationship. I could tell if the snare is a 14x8 or a 14x6 simply by looking at the shell.

Yous see people never get used to it. I'm referring to the polyrhythmic pencil tapping and foot stomping during class. Personally, I think I'm doing them a favor. Blessing their ears. If it was up to me; I would be on a drum set practicing from dusk to dawn. I want to be the best and to getgetting to that point will take hardwork.

I have a lot of motivation. I watch all types of drummers. I watch one drummer; I have to go practice. I watch another drummer; I have to go practice. you see my competitive obsession is my key to success. My path to the greatest drummer to ever live...

Hold up, it is time for me to practice.

©️MarQuavis KaMarri Dottery
© MarQuavis KaMarri Dottery