

These sacred teachings of Shadow Secrets in Book For Tha Godz, are practical teachings that will show you how to inner-stand your God-Mind. Through a fictional story thats told for a moral purpose. A story about the creation of BBlakk Godz/Goddezzez who came through the channels of black worm holes. From afar distant planet light-years away. Entering the Earth stratosphere since the beginning of time, when "TIME" was Not! Who came to create the original man and woman. And taught their teachings of Shadow Secrets to the elected few who lived among them. You will read these teachings through a dialogue between a Master and his most devoted student. Who travelled throughout the black land of Kemet spreading the teachings of Shadow Secrets about the Cosmic-Principles of Universal Mind of GOD. Through their long and hardship journey you will discover such a wonderful extraordinary experience. Thats filled with an adventure of life unexpectancies. That you will witness as a treasure of rare radiant jewels!" For I Say To You Who Are Lost, But Thus, That Are Searching For The Truth." Hold these teachings to your heart as if its your last breath to this precious gift of Life." Than you will see your life unfold with the presences of paradise. Overshadowing your Mind with the Supreme Know-ledge Of Wisdom (Wise-Dome) that will set "You Free" from the "Reality of Ignorance." In unveiling the truth in the nature of "Thyself". This is not a religious book, but a book with spiritual lessons that will show you the way to GodHood.

BOOK FOR THA GODz: THE TEACHINGS OF SHADOW SECRETS; are the dark untold secrets to the inner mysteries of life. That is now being revealed!" There's no need to search any further for the truth. When the "Truth" of these teachings has finally arrive in finding you on your journey in your Shadows of life.

BOOK FOR THA GODz, have the answer to life circumstances no matter what condition that we are in. We can over-come our battles of distractions by learning how to use our GOD-MIND. Let the stories in this book guide your mind into a new Inner-Standing of who you are." By studying the "Word" of the characters you will receive the insight of Wisdom about your higher (God-Mind) and your lower (§ense-§erpent) nature. That plays a part in our everyday lives. For All Things Happen For A Reason." Come, Find Out Why You Should Be Reading This Book?


© Prophet RaSOUL AL'LAW